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Site Map
- Protective Aspects - Benefits
- Health Care
- Management of Temporary Disability benefit
- Risk during pregnancy
- Risk during breastfeeding
- Birth and child care
- Care of minors affected by cancer or another serious illness
- Co-responsibility in infant care
- Complementing the reduction of the gender gap
- Permanent Disablement
- Permanent non-disabling injuries
- Retirement
- Death and Survivors
- Benefits for terrorist acts
- Family Benefits
- Minimum Vital Income
- Violence against women
- Required Ageing and Invalidity Insurance (SOVI) Pensions
- School Insurance Benefits
- Benefit/Pension Services
- Toxic Syndrome
- Training
- Health at Sea
- Welfare Programs
- Employment and Unemployment
- Collaboration Agreements
- Processing Information
- Protection for Cessation of Activity
- Law 47/2015
- Information on Brexit
- ISM in your pocket
- Criteria of the Directorate General for Social Security (DGOSS)
- Aid to fishermen for the temporary cessation of fishing activities - FEMP/ FEMPA
- General Treasury of the Social Security
- State Secretariat for Social Security and Pensions
- National Social Security Institute
- Legal Service of the Social Security Administration
- General Subdirection of the Legal Service of the Social Security
- Social Marine Institute (ISM)
- Public Accounts Department of the Social Security
- Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration
- General Directorate of Social Security Organisation
- State Secretariat for Social Security and Pensions
- Information Technology Management for the Social Security
- Community Regulations
- Bilateral Agreements
- Multilateral Ibero-American Social Security Agreement
- Other International Regulations
- Link Offices for Transferred Workers
- Forms for Transferred Workers
- Brexit. Citizens' rights. Telephone numbers.
- ISM Order 835/2023, of 20 July. Situation assimilated to inscription of posted workers
- Information on medical leave abroad
- Birth and care of a child abroad
- Obtaining the Social Security / Affiliation Number
- Workers' affiliation, termination of affiliation, and data changes
- Special Agreements
- Debt Deferments
- Executive Collection
- Employer Registration
- Temporary Disability benefits
- Benefit for Risk During Pregnancy
- Benefits for Risk during Breast Feeding
- Permanent Disability Pension
- Compensation for Non-disabling Permanent Lesions
- Retirement Pension
- Death and Survival benefits
- Family Benefits
- School Insurance
- Compulsory Elderly and Disability Insurance
- Medical Assistance
- Job demand
- Contributory Unemployment Benefits
- Welfare Unemployment Benefits (Subsidy)
- Active Insertion Income
- Long descriptions
- Care of minors affected by cancer or another serious illness
- Protection for Cessation of Activity
- Activation Programme for Employment
- Benefit for Birth and Care of a minor
- Benefit for Co-responsible infant care
- Contribution Bases and Contributors
- Panel of data on Companies-Workers (PET)
- Social Security occupational contingencies observatory
- Worker affiliation and registration
- Contribution Account Codes
- Pensions and pensioners
- Other Social Security Benefits
- Other Information on Social Protection
- Budget approved
- Continuous Work History Sample
- Calendar for the publication of statistics of the State Secretariat for Social Security