Contributory Pensions / Classes
Economic benefits of indefinite duration, generally but not always, whose concession is normally linked to a previous legal relationship with the Social Security (with a minimum contribution period in certain cases) provided all other requirements are met.
In the case of employee workers, its amount is determined by the contributions made by the worker and the employer, in the case of employees, during the established period and in accordance with the calculation basis of the pension in question.
The following pensions are included under the protective action of the General Scheme and the Special Schemes of the Social Security, with the exceptions indicated for each case and type in the corresponding special schemes:
Retirement pension: ordinary retirement, early retirement as a member of a mutual society, early retirement without being a member of a mutual society, early retirement due to involuntary termination of employment, voluntary early retirement, early retirement due to reduction in the minimum age for those undertaking arduous, toxic or unhealthy working activities, early retirement of workers with a disability, partial retirement, flexible retirement and special retirement at 64 years of age.
For permanent disability: total, absolute and severe disability.
For death: widowhood, orphanhood and family pensions.
As part of the protective action of the Compulsory Elderly and Disability Insurance (SOVI), the following pensions are included:
Old Age.