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Active Insertion Income


Procedure for the Active Insertion Income Programme

General Information


It is a programme that includes active employment policy measures and aims to increase opportunities for returning to work. It provides a financial benefit, known as active job placement income, which is linked to carrying out activities related to active employment policies that do not lead to remuneration.

Competent Entity:


(*) The active employment policy measures will be implemented by the Provincial Directorates of the ISM that have not transferred these powers to the Autonomous Communities to which they belong.


Unemployed Sea Workers under 65 years of age who meet the necessary requirements on the date of applying to join the programme.

  • Being at least forty-five years old.
  • Being a job seeker registered intermittently at the Office of the Public State Employment Service for twelve months or longer. 
  • Having used up the Contributory Level Unemployment Benefit and/or Assistance Level Unemployment Subsidy established in Title 3 of the Consolidated Text of the General Social Security Act, except when the benefit was eliminated due to sanction or not having the right to protection for that contingency. This is not required of returning emigrant workers, nor of those who certify being victims of gender or domestic violence.
  • Having no income, of any kind, that is more than 75% of the National Minimum Wage, excluding the proportional part of two extra payments.
  • Not having been a beneficiary of active job placement income during the last 365 calendar days before the date of the application to gain entitlement to join the programme, unless they can prove that they have a degree of disability greater than or equal to 33%, or that they have been a victim of gender-based or domestic violence.
  • Not having been a beneficiary of three entitlements to the active job placement programme income, even if they did not receive the income for the maximum length of time.
  • Other possible beneficiaries:

    • Workers who can prove that they have a degree of disability greater than or equal to 33 %, as long as they meet all of the specified requirements, except that of being over 45 years old.
    • Emigrant workers who have returned from abroad in the 12 months prior to making the application after working abroad for a minimum of six months since the last time they left Spain, as long as they meet all of the requirements, except that of having been registered as job seekers during the last 12 months.
    • Workers who have had their status as a victim of gender-based violence certified by the competent Administrative Office and are registered as job seekers, as long as they meet all the requirements, except those of age and having been registered as job seekers during the last 12 months.
    • Beneficiaries of non-contributory disability pensions, if they fulfil all the requirements except that of not having a monthly calculated income that exceeds 75% of the National Minimum Wage, excluding the proportional part of the two extra payments, due to receiving this pension, and as long as they prove that they will no longer receive it.

80% of the current Public Income Indicator with Multiple Effects .

The Social Security contribution corresponding to health care benefits and, if applicable, to family protection.

More information on amounts


Beginning of the right to receive benefits:

  • As of the day after making the application.


  • The active job placement income is received as from the day after the date of the application to join the programme.


  • The maximum duration of the income is 11 months.

Official application form

  • Official application.
  • Identification of the applicant and their children.
  • Proof, where appropriate, of the income received during the month prior to the application, by the applicant,  their spouse and their children.
  • Disabled certificate, only if entering the programme as a disabled person.
  • Work Area Certificate from the main or local offices of the government in each province, if entering the programme as an immigrant worker.
  • Legal ruling, or legal protection order, or report from the Public Prosecution Service or certificate from the competent public administration, if joining the programme as a victim of gender-based violence.
  • Certificate from the competent administration stating that the pension has been stopped from the date on which active insertion income payment begins, if a recipient of a non-contributory disability pension.
  • Any other document that, in accordance with current regulations, the Employment Office deems necessary in order to join the active job placement income programme, in each particular case.
Where is it processed?:

At the Social Marine Institute corresponding to their home address, submitted in person or over the internet through the SEPE Electronic Office at the following web address 

Other important information:
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