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Active Insertion Income

Please follow the link to the Processes and Procedures   section to see a simplified version.

Beneficiaries: Access requirements

Unemployed workers under sixty-five years old may benefit from this programme, provided that, on the date they apply to join the programme, they fulfil the requirements listed below:

  • They must be at least forty-five years old.
  • They must be a job seeker registered on a continuous basis with their local Public State Employment Service Office  for twelve months or more. For these purposes, the job seeker registration is considered to not be continuous if you have worked an accumulated period of 90 days or more in the 365 days preceding the application date to join the programme. Leaving Spain to go abroad, for any reason or length of time, discontinues registration as a job seeker. In the event that job seeker status is discontinued, a new continuous 12-month period will be required from the new registration date.
  • Having used up the Contributory Level Unemployment Benefit and/or Assistance Level Unemployment Subsidy established in Title 3 of the Consolidated Text of the General Social Security Act, except where this was due to a sanction being imposed and not being entitled to protection for such an event. This will not be required of returned emigrant workers nor those who can provide proof of being a victim of gender violence or domestic violence. 
  • Has a monthly calculated income that does not exceed 75% of the Minimum Professional Wage, excluding the proportional part of the two extra payments.
    For these purposes, even if the applicant does not have an income, in the terms established above, having a spouse and/or children under 26 years old, disabled elderly dependents or minors in foster care will mean that the lack of income requirement will only be considered to be met when the total income of all such family members, including the applicant, divided by the number of family members does not exceed 75% of the minimum professional wage, excluding the proportional part of the two extra payments. The amount of any social wages, minimum insertion income or similar social assistance payments granted by the Autonomous Communities will be calculated as income. Income that is included in the following will be considered to be income: article 215.3.2 of the revised text of the General Social Security Law. 
  • Not having received the active insertion income in the 365 calendar days preceding the application to join the programme, except in those cases where they can provide proof of having a level of disability of 33% or greater, or of being a victim of gender violence or domestic violence.
  • Not having received three entitlements to the active insertion income programme even where these were not received for the maximum duration of the income.

The following may also be beneficiaries:

  • Workers who can prove that they have a degree of disability greater than or equal to 33 %, as long as they meet all of the above mentioned specified requirements, except that of being over 45 years old. 
  • Emigrant workers who have returned in the twelve months preceding the application, who have worked for at least six months abroad from the time they last left Spain, and who are registered as job seekers, provided that they fulfil the requirements set forth in the first section, with the exception of the requirement to have remained registered in the past twelve months.
  • Workers who have proof from the relevant Authority that they are victims of gender violence and are registered as job seekers, provided that they fulfil all the above requirements, with the exception of the age requirement and the requirement to have remained registered in the past twelve months.
  • Recipients of non-contributory disability pensions if they fulfil all the requirements except that of having no monthly income in excess of 75% of the Minimum Professional Wage, excluding the proportional part of two extraordinary payments, in receiving the pension, provided they provide proof that they will no longer receive it.

Activity Commitment

To be beneficiaries of the programme, in addition to meeting the established requirements, workers must apply and sign the Commitment to Work, as described in Article 215.2 of the revised text of the General Social Security Act, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1994, of 20 June. This sets out the different actions determined by the public state employment service for the individual job placement plan, which will be implemented for as long as the worker is part of the programme.


To join the programme, workers must submit their applications at their local Social Marine Institute together with the documentation proving that they meet the current requirements at the time of submitting the application.

Joining and Implementing the Programme

Once they have joined the programme, the recipient has the right to receive the income and participate in and benefit from the following actions throughout the whole time they are involved in it:

  • Individual tutorial.
  • Labour market integration itinerary.
  • Occupational interview by tutor to define their occupational profile.
  • Preparation of a personal labour market integration plan. Determination of a timetable and activities to be carried out.
  • Management of job offers.
  • Inclusion in employment and/or training plans.
  • Inclusion in voluntary actions.


The income amount is 80% of the monthly Public Indicator of Multiple Effect Income (IPREM) in force at any time, 426.00 euros/month for 2013.

When receiving the Active Insertion Income, the Public State Employment Service will make the Social Security contributions for medical assistance benefits and, where applicable, family protection benefits.

Victims of gender violence or victims of domestic violence who have been forced to move home and can provide proof of this change of address within the 12 months preceding their application to join the Programme, or while they are on the Programme, may receive a single additional payment of three months' of the active insertion income without this reducing the duration of this income. This additional payment can only be received once for every entitlement to join the active insertion income programme.

Workers accepted onto the Programme who are self-employed or work as a full-time employee, will receive a benefit equal to 25% of their income for a maximum of 180 days, irrespective of the number of employment contracts or self-employment activities carried out. Receiving this benefit will not reduce the duration of the active insertion income.

Acquisition of a right to benefits

As a result of joining the programme, workers will receive the active job placement income the day after the date of application; the date on which the Social Security contributions become due.


The maximum duration of the income is 11 months.


Workers in the programme will leave it permanently if one of the following circumstances occurs:

  • Failure to fulfil the obligations in the Activity Commitment that are specified in the personal labour market integration plan, except for just cause.
  • Failing to appear, by prior requirement, before the National Employment Institute or Public Employment Services, not resuming their job search in the form and time frames specified in the job search resumption document, or not returning to the Public Employment Services within the given time frame the relevant note confirming their appearance at the place and time indicated to fill the job offers provided by these services, except for just cause.
  • Rejection of an appropriate job offer or participation in employment programmes or occupational integration, guidance, promotion, training or retraining programmes, except for just cause.
  • Self-employed or working for another person on a full-time basis for six months or more.
  • Obtaining Social Security pensions or economic benefits that are incompatible with work or which, even if they are not, exceed the limits set for receiving active insertion income, or obtaining welfare assistance as a gender-based violence victim who cannot participate in employment programmes.
  • Not meeting the lack of income requirement for more than six months.
  • Receiving unemployment benefit or Agricultural Income.
  • Moving abroad, except when working or receiving further training for less than six months.
  • Voluntary renunciation of active insertion income.
  • Unduly obtaining or continuing to receive active insertion income.
  • Coming to the end of the maximum allowed time for active insertion income.


Workers will temporarily leave the programme in one of the following cases:

  • Working full time for another person for less than six months.
  • Being self-employed for less than six months.
  • Exceeding the income limit for less than six months.
  • Moving abroad to search for work or to carry out work, professional development or international cooperation for a continuous period of less than six months.
  • Going abroad for no more than 15 calendar days once a year will not be considered to be a change of residence, even though the recipient is obliged to inform the Social Security of this situation.

Once they have left the programme for any of the provided reasons, the interested party will only be able to rejoin by submitting an application within 15 days of finishing their self-employed work, or upon returning to Spain, after registering as a job seeker and reactivating the Commitment to Work on the day of the application. An application made outside this time frame will result in the loss of as many days of income as there are between the date on which they would have rejoined the programme if they had made the request in a timely manner and the date on which the application was actually made.

If they leave the programme because they no longer meet the lack of individual income or family unit requirement, the worker will rejoin the programme the day after the date of application, as long as they can once again prove that they meet the requirements within six months of temporarily leaving the programme, after registering as a job seeker and reactivating the commitment to work.

After leaving a full-time job where they were employed by another person, the worker will once again receive active insertion income as long as they are registered as a job seeker and the administrative body is aware of the involuntary nature of their job termination due to its being a temporary relationship or if this involuntary termination is recorded in their working life report.


  • Official application.
  • Identification of the applicant and, where appropriate, the spouse and children.
  • Proof, where appropriate, of income for the month prior to the application for the applicant, spouse and children.
  • Disabled certificate, only if entering the programme as a disabled person.
  • Work Area Certificate from the main or local offices of the government in each province, if entering the programme as an immigrant worker.
  • Legal ruling or legal protection order or report from the Public Prosecution Service or certificate from the competent public administration, if entering the programme as a victim of gender-based violence.
  • Certificate from the competent Administrative Office stating that the pension has been stopped as from the start date of the payment of the active job placement income, if they are a beneficiary of a non-contributory disability pension.
  • Any other document that, in accordance with current regulations, the Social Marine Institute deems necessary in order to join the active job placement income programme, in each particular case.
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