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General Directorate of Social Security Organisation

|C/ Jorge Juan, 59 - 28001 - MADRID.

Telephone Numbers: 911 906 606, 911 906 07 and 911 906 08

What is the General Directorate of Social Security Organisation?

The General Directorate of Social Security Organisation (DGOSS) is a management body that depends on the State Secretariat for Social Security and Pensions, which is responsible for, among other areas, the legal, economic and financial organisation of the Social Security system, planning and drafting economic, financial and demographic studies, drawing up preliminary Social Security Budgets, economic and budget monitoring of the Management Entities and Common Services, and the knowledge and evaluation of the management and economic and financial situation of Social Security Mutual Society Partners as well as the exercise of its functions in relation to open publicly-promoted occupational pension funds.

What are its duties?

  • Carrying out the economic and financial duties of the Social Security for which the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is responsible and, planning and conducting any economic, financial and demographic studies that are required.

  • Creating financial forecasts for the decisions that affect the financing and expenditure of the Social Security.

  • Designing, implementing and maintaining the statistical system for the Social Security, independently of the powers assigned to the Public Accounts Department of the Social Security in the area of statistics and accounting.

  • Drawing up the draft bill for Social Security budgets, in accordance with the Government's social protection policy, and coordinating with other departments on Social Security budget issues.

  • Tracking the financial and budgetary order of the Managing Bodies, Common Services and entities that cooperate with the Social Security.

  • Processing budgetary changes to do with the Managing Bodies, Common Services and Social Security Mutual Society Partners.

  • Having knowledge of the financial statements of Social Security Mutual Society Partners, and thus having knowledge of their economic and financial situation at all times.

  • Having knowledge and assessing the management and the economic and financial situation of Social Security Mutual Society Partners and of Associated Centres and Organisations, drawing up the pertinent initiatives and proposals or adopting the legally appropriate measures in the event of shortfalls or imbalances.

  • Coordinating and overseeing the management of the Social Security Mutual Society Partners and cooperating companies.

  • Organising occupational risk prevention paid for by Social Security contributions.

  • Drawing up the financial and economic reports and the management reports for Social Security Mutual Society Partners and of the reports for the Collaborating Bodies taking part in Social Security management.

  • Carrying out the duties of legal organisation of the Social Security system and creating and interpreting the regulations and decisions that affect this system.

  • Drawing up, processing and, if appropriate, making decisions on proposals for sanctions arising from Social Security related infractions.

  • Coordinating actions and drawing up proposals with a view to integrating contingencies and benefits covered by Substitute Organisations or excluded with regard to certain groups into the Social Security.

  • Monitoring and drawing up regulatory proposals with regard to contingencies and benefits covered by Substitute Organisations.

  • Taking part in international activities, both in social protection work groups and in drawing up reports that are required by the various international organisations or that stem from Spain's belonging to these organisations, independently of the powers of the General Technical Secretary in this area.

  • Receiving and analysing documentation on occupational diseases and their statistical use. Administering the CEPROSS system (Reporting Occupational Diseases to the Social Security), databases of occupational contingencies and the PANOTRATSS system (Non-Traumatic Diseases Caused by Work-Related Injuries of the Social Security).

  • Managing and monitoring the FIPROS programme (Promotion of Social Protection Research).

  • Preparing, publishing and distributing the Continuous Sample of Employment History.

  • Managing the system for reducing contributions for occupational contingencies for companies who have made a particular contribution to the prevention and reduction of the occupational accident rate.

  • Evaluating the financial management of the Social Security Mutual Society Partners and cooperating companies.

  • The study, analysis, monitoring and report on complementary social welfare instruments for their development, coherence and compatibility with the Social Security benefits system and the drafting of regulatory proposals regarding the principles and systems of coordination between public and complementary pensions in the field of employment.

  • To act as the Secretariat of the Promotion and Monitoring Committee of the open publicly-promoted occupational pension funds, exercising the functions attributed to it by the legislation.

  • To assist the Promotion and Monitoring Committee of the open publicly-promoted occupational pension funds in the exercise of the functions attributed to it by the legislation.

  • To carry out the preparatory actions and promote the necessary contracting files to comply with the legislation in force in the area of open publicly-promoted occupational pension funds.

  • Cooperate on matters of open publicly-promoted occupational pension funds with the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, attached to the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, under the purview of the Secretariat of State for Economy and Business Support, in the exercise of its role as the supervisory authority for pension plans and funds.

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