C/ Dr. Tolosa Latour, s/n - 28041 - MADRID.
Telephone: 91 390 28 00.
What is the Social Security IT Department?
The Social Security IT Department is a common service for managing information and communication technologies in the Social Security system. It has its own legal personality and full capacity to work to meet its purpose. Dependant on the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, it belongs to the State Secretariat for Social Security and Pensions with the rank of Sub-directorate General.
The Social Security IT Department Manager is responsible for managing the common service, although the actions of the Social Security IT Department will adapt to the guidelines established by the Social Security General Council for Information and Communication Technologies, notwithstanding the duties attributed by current regulations to the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration’s Ministerial Committee for the Digital Administration.
The Social Security IT Department shall exercise the powers provided for in Article 5 of Royal Decree 508/2000, of 14 April, through the Social Security Computer Accounting Centre.
The IT Department budget for expenses will differentiate the budgetary assignment for specific items of the Social Security Computer Accounting Centre, while at the same time attributing all IT purchases to the bodies, Management Organisms and Common Services it depends on functionally. Until the budget is separated appropriately, its budget will be included in the budget of the Social Security General Treasury, with the appropriate functional separation.
What are its powers?
- Draw up management plans for the IT and telecommunications systems and submit them to the Management Organisms, Social Security General Treasury and the Social Security Public Accounts Department, for their subsequent presentation to the Social Security general Council of information and communication technologies.
- Propose the creation, development and modification of information systems.
- Evaluate, audit and take inventory of the current information systems and propose modifications to these systems, in order to ensure that they are perfectly coordinated with the general operating plan.
- Approve technical and methodological rules that guarantee uniformity, compatibility, interrelation and transferability of all current and future information systems, without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Sub-Secretariat in this area.
- Create, safe-keep and administer of the system's corporate information databases, as well as the security and confidentiality systems.
- Maintain and update the telematic resources used for data transmission, as well as the corresponding IT systems.
- Maintain the resource inventory for all information systems.
- Formalise the administrative contracts necessary to meet its purpose, records of changes to lists of IT jobs and the training programmes for information and communication technologies.
- All other responsibilities with which it is entrusted, either now or in the future.