18/03/2024 Internships
As of 1 January 2024, students who undertake internships, whether paid or unpaid, are included in the social security system. A specific section has been created with FAQs and relevant matters.
12/12/2022 The new contribution system for self-employed workers in 2023
Following the approval on 26 July 2022 of Royal Decree-Law 13/2022, a new contribution system for self-employed workers and improved protection in the event of cessation of activity is established.
21/07/2020 Access to e-Office services with Cl@ve
The Electronic Office provides access to online services using Cl@ve, which is an electronic identity verification platform for the identification and authentication of citizens. The Cl@ve platform supports several modes of access: Qualified electronic certificate, Cl@ve PIN and permanent Cl@ve.
01/01/2025 2025 Public Holiday Calendar
The 2025 public holiday calendar is now available with the national, regional and local holidays of all the towns and cities with Social Security offices.
21/10/2024 New Social Security Benefits portal. Navigate easy, find fast
The Social Security benefits portal has a new design that makes it easier to find the procedure you need to carry out and offers you information and personalised access to the most suitable electronic service for you.
09/10/2024 Social Security assets. Transfer of use of a property in Baiona (Pontevedra).
The TGSS plans to initiate proceedings to extend the transfer of use of an area of 383.02 m2 on the first floor of the Casa del Mar heritage building, located at Calle Alférez Barreiro, 22, Baiona (Pontevedra), in favour of the AVELAÍÑA Association for people with mental health problems.
04/10/2024 2023 Reports. INSS, ISM, SJASS and TGSS
Statistical reports available for 2023 from INSS, ISM, SJASS and TGSS.
04/10/2024 Social Security assets. Leasing of property
Lease by Public Tender no. 2024/01, of a property located at Carretera Peraleda, no. 3, Toledo, with a built surface area of 48.36 m2 and a usable surface area of 38 m2.
02/10/2024 New service: Company and related persons report
Through this service you will be able to obtain the report of the company and of the persons linked to it, with the data that has been previously communicated.
02/10/2024 New Importass Social Security App
The Social Security General Treasury launches its new App, from which you will be able to access all the services available in IMPORTASS more easily.
16/09/2024 **en_gb** New service in IMPORTASS: Payment in instalments of benefit claims unduly received
**en_gb** This service allows you to repay Social Security benefits unduly received in instalments.
08/08/2024 Interns now have their space on IMPORTASS, the Social Security Treasury Portal
New information and services on the Social Security Treasury portal for trainees. It opens a space that incorporates an information guide and useful services for students. You can also find information on internships in the personal area.
It is announced that officials from the Senior Corps of Actuaries, Statisticians and Economists of the Social Security Administration will hold an informative session on the functions of this Corps on Tuesday 2 July at 16:30h via TEAMs.
21/06/2024 New economic activity report for self-employed workers in IMPORTASS
Self-employed workers have new information on the professional activities they carry out and the possibility of downloading a report from IMPORTASS, the General Treasury's portal.
29/04/2024 New service: Collective Employer. Modification of Company and/or Related Persons
This service allows you to request the modification of company data, to communicate records of new related persons as well as to delete or modify their data.
22/04/2024 Social Security Information Seminars in the Balearic Islands
04/04/2024 Social Security information conference in Ourense
The Hispano-German Social Security seminars will be held on 6 and 7 May 2024 in Ourense, during which official experts will provide information on matters of interest to people who have worked in Germany.
04/04/2024 Social Security Information conferences in Vigo
The Hispano-German Social Security seminars will be held on 9 and 10 May 2024 in Vigo, during which official experts will provide information on matters of interest to people who have worked in Germany.
01/04/2024 Social Security assets. Transfer of use of a property in Lugo.
The Social Security General Treasury plans to initiate a file for the transfer of use of the property located at 17, Carril dos Loureiros Street in Lugo in favour of the Spanish Association Against Cancer.
Fifty-second additional provision. Inclusion in the Social Security system of students who carry out training internships or external academic internships included in training programmes.
15/03/2024 DGOSS criteria. Special Scheme for Sea Workers.
Guideline 1/2024 on issues relating to the termination benefit for persons registered in the EMN
04/03/2024 The Personal Income Tax Withholding Certificate for 2023 is now available.
We provide those who have received any benefit subject to personal income tax (IRPF) with the withholding certificate for the 2023 financial year. It can be downloaded via the “Personal Income Tax certificate” link after logging in to "Your Social Security”. This certificate will be available for download throughout the financial year.
04/03/2024 Members of mutual benefit societies: refund applications before the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT)
The AEAT has published on its website an information note on the procedure for applying for a personal income tax refund for retirement and permanent disability pensioners who contributed to mutual benefit societies.
19/02/2024 New service: Consultation of household employment receipts
This service enables the consultation of the history of receipts issued by the Social Security, for all persons who are or have been employers of a household.
12/02/2024 “Monthly evolution of Pensions” book. January 2024.
As of 31January, 2024, the new Pension Book with statistical information is published.
The Social Security General Treasury plans to start the file for the extension of the transfer of use of the property located at Calle Álamo, 18 in Medina Sidonia (Cádiz) and the start of the file for the transfer of use of an area of 759.40 m2, distributed in basement, first and third floors, of the property located at Avda. Julio Moreno, 80 in Motril (Granada).
29/01/2024 New service: Waiver/Prolongation of flat rate in the Special Regime for Seafarers
This service enables you to request the express waiver of the reduction in the contribution (Flat Rate) as well as to apply for the extension period of the additional 12 or 36 full calendar months of the flat rate for self-employed workers in the first group of the Special Scheme for Seafarers, whose net annual returns are less than the annual Minimum Professional Wage that corresponds to that period.
23/01/2024 New Service. Extension of the flat rate for self-employment
If you benefit from the flat rate, from 1 January 2023 you can apply for an extension of 12 more months, in Importass, provided that your expected income from self-employment for the coming year is less than the Minimum Professional Wage.
08/01/2024 2024 Social Security Budget (Extension for the 2023 financial year)
Information regarding the 2024 Social Security Budget is available on the website (Extension for the 2023 financial year)
20/11/2023 Modification of services at SEDE. “What is the status of my benefit? (Other accesses)“
The service for professional representatives to check the status of claims submitted, which was provided under "What is the status of my benefit? (Other accesses)", is now available under ENTERPRISES - Benefits under the name "Consult status of applications managed by representation".
06/11/2023 ISM Order 835/2023, of 20 July. Situation assimilated to inscription of posted workers
Information on the entry into force of Order ISM/835/2023, of 20 July, which regulates the situation assimilated to that of registration in the Social Security system of workers posted abroad in the service of companies that carry out their activities in Spanish territory, is available in Useful Information/International.
03/11/2023 Projections of Public Spending on Pensions in Spain
Publication of the report "Projections of Public Spending on Pensions in Spain", in compliance with milestone 410 of Component 30 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
A new service is available at the headquarters which provides agricultural workers employed by another person, in inactivity periods, as parties obliged to pay, with the possibility of consulting the monthly settlement receipts detailing the information relating to Social Security contributions.
02/11/2023 New service: Consultation of bills issued under Special Agreements - Businesses
A new service is available at the headquarters which allows legal entities who are responsible for the payment of special agreement contributions and, where applicable, their proxy legal entities, to consult monthly bills containing information about Social Security contributions.
This service allows you to respond to the notification and attachment of earnings order addressed to the persons or entities liable to make the payment, rectify the response previously communicated on the attachment action carried out by such persons or entities, in compliance with said order, and to view the responses provided, download the notification received and the supporting documents corresponding to the responses provided.
12/09/2023 New service: Consultation of Special Agreement receipts issued
This service provides those responsible for the payment of special agreement contributions who are individuals or, where applicable, their proxies, with the possibility of consulting the monthly settlement receipts detailing the information relating to Social Security contributions.
04/08/2023 New service: Consultation of certificates of being up-to-date with Social Security and debt reports
This service allows the consultation of certificates of being up-to-date and reports issued on a natural or legal person.
03/08/2023 New service: Certificates of being up-to-date with Social Security and debt reports
This service allows you to obtain a certificate of whether or not you are up-to-date with Social Security. If you are not up-to-date, you can also find the reports that show the total amount of the debt and the list of the debt documents that prevent you from being considered up-to-date with Social Security.
26/07/2023 Social Security assets. Leasing of property
Lease by Public Tender No. 2023/01, of a property located in Plaza Padres Dominicos, 9-14, Palencia, with a built surface area above ground level of 1521.83 m2 and a garage below ground level of 98.54 m2.
25/07/2023 Spain has signed the Framework Agreement on Telework
The aim of the agreement is to develop a general framework at the European level to establish the working conditions of remote workers and to reconcile the common needs of employers and employees for flexibility and security. The agreement grants the latter the same overall protection as workers working on the company's premises.
25/07/2023 Modification of CL@VE registration. Renewal after 5 years of registration at high or advanced level
If you registered in the Cl@ve system in person at an office more than 5 years ago or you registered online with a digital certificate, your Cl@ve Firma certificate cannot be issued or renewed automatically, and therefore you will not be able to use it in electronic signature processes until you renew your registration. To do so, you must go to any of the Cl@ve registration offices again, or access the service with your electronic ID card (no other digital certificate is valid) Renew Cl@ve Firma high level registration with electronic ID card.
It is announced that officials from the Senior Corps of Actuaries, Statisticians and Economists of the Social Security Administration will hold an informative session on the functions of this Corps on Thursday 29 June at 16:30h via TEAMs.
20/06/2023 Order ISM/474/2023, of 4 May, regulating the operation of the Electronic Register
It is available in the Office in the Regulations and Legislation>Regulations on the Electronic Register, Order ISM/474/2023, of 4 May, section, regulating the operation of the Electronic Register of Social Security managing bodies and common services appointed to the SESSP, in force since 13 May 2021.
15/06/2023 New service: Collective Employer. Identification of Company. Assignment of initial CCC
This enables you to request the identification of the company and communicate the persons linked to it, as well as the creation of the initial contribution account code.
15/06/2023 New service: Bullfighting event certificates. Registration/Substitutions
This service allows you to request the issuing, by Electronic register, of the bullfighting event certificate, necessary for the celebration of the show, attaching the required documentation. It also allows for the presentation of any substitutions that may occur in the bullfighting professionals participating in the event.
15/06/2023 New service: Collective Employer. Assigning Contribution Account Code.
Both initial and secondary contribution account codes will be able to be requested through this service.
25/05/2023 New service on the e-Office: Pre-insolvency law. Communication of the proposed restructuring plan
Through this service, the General Treasury is notified, by electronic register, of the proposed restructuring plan and documentation in the pre-insolvency phase, in accordance with the provisions of the current Consolidated Text of the Insolvency Act.
18/04/2023 New service for exercising personal data protection rights
This service allows the exercise of the rights regarding the protection of personal data recognised in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and in Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.
This service makes it possible to apply online for the surcharge on financial benefits derived from work-related injury or occupational disease, due to a lack of occupational health and safety measures. As well as to make representations to the benefit recipients and companies concerned.
26/07/2022 Importass. Comprehensive information and simpler procedures for self-employed workers.
The Social Security General Treasury integrates all services related to self-employment in its Portal, with a new and more intuitive design, using simple language, accompanying and guiding the worker through all steps of the process.
You can consult your updated information instantly and download your employment history reports and contribution bases securely, easily and whenever you need them. You will also have personalised alerts.
28/05/2021 Importass: The new Treasury Portal
Importass, the new Treasury Portal is now available, a digital space adapted to mobile devices, with access from the Internet and from the Electronic Headquarters (SEDESS) and the Social Security app, and which offers information and processing services.