Contenido principal
Etapa de configuración normativa (1962 - 1978)
At this stage, the foundations of an integrated Social Security System of professional scope were approved with a declaration of subjective and objective universality, in an attempt to cover the entire population and with regard to all benefits.
Its main milestones were:
The 1963 Social Security Bases Act.
The Social Security Bases Act and its Legal Texts I and II (1966 and 1974), unify and integrate the various social insurances and give rise to a new Social Security system that reorganises the protective action from predominantly contributory parameters towards the group of employed workers and their family members, with it only being partially shared by other professional sectors with lower contributory capacity.
The new Social Security system came into force on 1 January 1967.
1972 Funding and Improvement Act.
To solve the financial problems inherited from the former mutualism, a higher contribution structure was set out, calculated in the General Scheme according to actual wages and in the remaining Special Schemes, which defines the Bases Act, with regard to the different nature and conditions of certain professional activities, in accordance with minimum bases or the terms agreed in negotiated procedures. The scope of protective action was also improved and the progressive standardisation of the schemes was initiated.
Nevertheless, even when the aforementioned laws stated that State contributions would be progressive and was an ordinary resource of the Social Security, in practice they were social contributions that bore the majority of the funding of the services and benefits of the protective action. As a result, the benefits continued to be insufficient and the social protection system was of little importance in the grand scheme of the national economy.
Other noteworthy points of the second stage were: the assignment of the management of Social Security to the State and the separation of the General Scheme and several Special Schemes.