Contenido principal
Organisation Chart
The organisational chart shows the bodies and organisations that form part of the Social Security System.
The most senior body is the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, to which the Secretariat of State for Social Security is subordinate. There is a Department that is a support and assistance body and works directly alongside the Secretary of State, at the level of General Sub-Directorate.
In turn, subordinate to the Secretary of State are the General Directorate of Social Security Organisation, the Social Security Public Accounts Department and the Social Security Administration Legal Services Department .
Management of the Social Security System is assigned, among others, to the following public organisations, each with individual legal personality and attached to the Ministry of Employment and Social Security through the Secretariat of State for Social Security: the National Social Security Institute (INSS), the Social Institute of the Navy (ISM), the General Treasury of the Social Security (TGSS) and Social Security IT Management.