Contenido principal
This is the trace left when browsing the different levels. All of sections of the portal are browsable, except for the final level.
This is the place where the genuine portal content is uploaded. It includes a large variety of content, paragraphs, images, tables, lists, links, etc.
The download area can be found in the content area. The download area will be displayed in the content that has additional information for downloading by users, such as in the specific case of the Downloads page which can be accessed from the header.
The downloads table shows the document name, download links represented by the appropriate flags in each of the languages in which the information is available, the format, the size and the date.
This is the area at the bottom of the portal showing the legal notices and information.
It is the portal area that brings the user into the Educational Portal where the following can be identified:
- Toolbar: area in the upper left part where the common browsing tools, help and the accessibility review are located
- Name of Portal: located in the upper right part
- Area heading: shows the area where the user is located
- Logo: identifies the body, in this case the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, of the portal.
- Common features of the content: located in the lower right part of the header, and includes the glossary, bibliography, search, etc. all these options are common to the content of the whole Teacher's Area
This text aims to explain the areas in which the teachers area is structured based on criteria of usability, clarity and a clear, maintained, intuitive and easy-to-use interface. The intention was for all "interactive" areas of the portal to be identified with the colour green in different shades. This is to guide users when browsing and avoid confusion.
Thus, the teachers´ area of the Social Security Classroom is divided into the following sections as can be seen in the diagram below:
- Header
- Menu
- Secondary Menu
- Content
- Footer
This is first hierarchy level of the content, and is always visible and in the same location on the interface.
When you click on one of these options, the relevant content is activated in the left-hand section of the portal. It is marked with a yellow background, clearly identifying the selected option.
Secondary Menu
After clicking on any menu option, its content tree is displayed in the left-hand section, enabling in depth browsing. This section includes a green colour code (like in all the browsable and interactive areas of the portal), starting from the most intense green as the first level of the secondary menu, to the lightest green in the third and final navigation level.
When selecting an option, a yellow background will remain, in the same way as with the menu, to clearly highlight the user´s location.