Contenido principal
Contributions to the General Scheme of the Social Security
Contribution to the Social Security is compulsory. The obligation to pay contributions begins as soon as the employment activity commences, and continues through the whole period in which the worker continues working and only ends when he or she stops providing services and communicates this in the time and manner established.
This obligation is also extended to different occupational situations in which the work contract is suspended although the working relationship is not terminated, for example: Temporary incapacity for work (TI), situations of maternity and paternity, risk during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, periods of unpaid leave that do not give rise to extended leave of absence, annual holiday not taken and paid on termination of the work contract, etc.
In the same way, once the working relationship has been terminated and while receiving benefits for unemployment, the obligation to pay contributions remains (the National Public Employment Service will pay the employer's contribution).