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School Insurance


School Insurance Procedure

General Information


It is an Insurance policy that protects students, under 28 years old, who are taking official studies from the  3rd cycle of Spanish  Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), to the third university cycle (advance postgraduate studies),  through healthcare benefits, in the case of illnesses , school-related injuries and family hardship.



  • School-Related Injury: Medical and pharmaceutical assistance, financial compensation for disability and burial expenses.
  • Illness: Medical care, pharmaceutical care and burial expenses. Includes general surgery, neuropsychiatry, obstetrics, pulmonary and bone tuberculosis. In certain cases, physiotherapy, radiotherapy and cobalt therapy may be provided.
  • Family hardship: Economic benefit for the death of the head of household or family bankruptcy.

The beneficiary of the School Insurance benefit is the student, except for compensation for death due to injury or illness, in which case the beneficiaries are the family members.

More information on beneficiaries

  • Under the age of 28, of Spanish nationality or a foreigner holding legal residency in Spain.
  • Registration in the studies covered by the Insurance and payment of the fee.
  • Certification of one year of Insurance cover.

    This last requirement is not necessary for benefits due to school-related injury, family misfortune or obstetrics, nor for students who the previous year studied in the 2nd year of ESO, special education or who continued their studies abroad.

More information on requirements

Amounts / Payments / Sums:

Differentamounts depending on the benefit.

Economic benefits may be paid directly at the financial institution assigned to the Provincial Directorate of the INSS  or by transfer to the financial institution selected in the application.


The duration varies, depending on the type of benefit.


The application period for benefits due to school-related injuries is one year.

The application period for burial expenses, family hardship  and other economic benefits is five years.

Acknowledgement or rejection of School Insurance benefits is resolved and notified within a maximum period of 90 days.

Refusal / Expiry:

The Provincial Director of the INSS passes the resolution approving or refusing the requested benefit.


School Insurance benefit application form.

  • DNI  or family record book. Document proving identity for foreigners 
  • Non-university students: Certificate from the education centre
  • University students: Registration form receipt
  • Specific documentation for each benefit  

More information on documentation

Where to process it:

At any of the Social Security Information and Support Centres.

Competent body:

Acknowledgement of the entitlement and payment of the benefits is the responsibility of the Provincial Directorate of the  National Institute of the Social Security (INSS) where the application was submitted. In the case of health benefits, the competent authority is the Provincial Office of the INSS in the province where the medical assistance was provided.

Other important information:


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