Contenido principal
The Current Social Security Model.<br/>Basic Level of Protection - Contributory or Occupational Level - Supplementary Level of Protection
The aim of the unit is for students to be able:
- To comprehend and understand how the Spanish Constitution treats the Social Security and its governing principles.
- To talk about the Spanish Social Security model, based on the different levels of protection that are granted and specifically, the basic level of the Social Security (non-contributory).
- Basic Level of Protection.
- Characteristics: Subjective Scope, Funding and Management.
- Contents: Pensions, Benefits and Services.
We remind you that...
- In accordance with the provisions of Art. 41 of the Constitution, the Social Security protection system is implemented through two levels: contributory and non-contributory.
There is also a third level which is open to all: Funds and Pension Plans.