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Economic allowance per child or minor fostered under charge


Procedure for receiving a Social Security economic allowance for a child or fostered minor under charge

General Information


It is an economic allowance recognised per dependant child or foster child under the age of 18 or older if affected by a disability equal to or greater than 65%. From 1 June 2020, this benefit can only be claimed by dependent children under 18 years of age, with a disability of at least 33% or older children with a disability of 65%.


Dependent children or minors who live with and are economically dependent on the beneficiary,  provided they are under the age of 18 or older if affected by a disability equal to or greater than 65%.

They are considered dependent, even if they have paid employment, provided they continue to live with the beneficiary and the income from their work does not exceed 100% of the MPW in force at any time and calculated annually.

More information on originators

  • Parents, adoptive parents or foster parents who meet the requirements.
  • Disabled children over 18 who have not been legally disqualified and who retain their ability to work.
  • Orphans of both parents or adoptive parents under the age of 18 or affected by a disability equal to or greater than 65%. 
  • Children who are not orphans and have been abandoned by their parents or adoptive parents, provided they are not in permanent or pre-adoption foster care and they meet the age or disability requirements in the previous point.

More information on beneficiaries

  • Legally reside in Spain.
  • Have dependent children or foster children under the age of 18 or older if affected by a disability equal to or greater than 65% and residents in Spain.
  • Have no right to benefits of the same nature under any other public social protection regime.
  • Not receive  annual income, of any kind, above the set limits. There is no income limit for recognising the condition of beneficiary per dependent disabled child or foster child.

More information on requirements

Amounts /

Payments / Conditions:

The amount of the economic allowance is different according to the age and the level of disability of the dependent child or foster child.

Payment is made with no bonus payments:

  • Every six months, in January and July, in the case of children under 18.
  • Monthly, a month in arrears, in the case of  disabled dependants over 18.

The benefit is exempt from IRPF.

From 1-1-2008, and at the start of each year, the benefit will be revalued according to CPI.


The initially recognised economic allowance will be received provided there are no family variations that determine its increase, reduction or termination.


Recognition of the economic assignment must be resolved and notified in a maximum period of 45 days.

All beneficiaries are obliged to present to the INSS, in a period of 30 days, any changes in the family situation involving the start, modification or termination of the right to the economic allowance.

Refusal / Expiry:
  • Death of the child.
  • On reaching the age of 18 (except in the case of disabled dependants).
  • Disappearance of the disability.
  • When the child is longer economically dependent (when the child's income is over 100% of the MPW).
  • By exceeding the income limits set, as appropriate.

Application forms.


 The documents needed to accredit the identity and circumstances determining entitlement will be provided.

In no case must the applicant accredit facts, data or circumstances that the Social Security Office should be aware of itself.

Where to process it:

The application and necessary documentation must be submitted at any Social Security support and information centre.

Competent body:

The INSS is responsible for recognising the right to the economic allowance.

If either parent is included in a public Social Security regime, the economic allowance will be recognised under that regime.

Other important information:


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