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Subsidy for families

You can click through to the Procedures and Formalities section to view a simplified version.


Children over 25 years old andbrothers/sisters over 22 years old, single, widowed, legally separated or divorced who, without meeting the conditions to be pension recipients, meet the requirements:

  • To have lived with the originator at his/her expense for 2 years prior to death or since the death of a family member that lived with him, if it occurred during this period.
  • Not be eligible for a public pension.
  • To lack a source of livelihood, due to having an income equal to or below the interprofessional minimum wage and the obligation of providing family members with food.

Under articles 142 and 143 of the Civil Code, spouses, parents and descendants are obliged to "provide food". Brothers and sisters are only obliged to provide "help necessary for life" and are therefore excluded from the obligation to provide food.

Amount / Payment

  • The amount of the subsidy is obtained by applying a percentage to the base rate.
  • Percentage: 20% of the base rate, calculated in the same way as widow's pensions.

  • It is paid over 12 months, including two extraordinary payments.

Compatibility / Incompatibility

  • It is compatible with the widowhood and orphanhood pensions caused by the same event.
  • It is incompatible with the holder collecting any public pension and earning income of any kind that exceeds the amount of the interprofessional minimum wage in effect at any time, calculated on an annual basis.


  • Due to the maximum duration period expiring.
  • Due to death.

  • After establishing that the missing worker did not die in an accident.

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