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Subsidy for families


Procedimiento de subsidio en favor de familiares

General Information


Protection of financial needs following the  death of the person that triggered the entitlement.

  • Children and siblings aged over 22, who are single, widowed, legally separated or divorced but do not meet the conditions for being a pensioner, have lived with the originator at his/her expense at least 2 years  before the death, who have no means of subsistence, their income is equal to or below the minimum professional wage, and family members with the obligation and ability of providing them with food and that have no right to entitlement.

The deceased or missing person, whose death triggers the right to entitlement.


Evidence must be provided regarding the contribution period, which varies based on the employment status of the deceased and the cause of death:

  • Affiliated or with asituation assimilated to affiliation, for 500 days within an uninterrupted period of 5 years imemdiately before the death or 15 years over his/her entire working life.
  • Not affiliated: 15 years over his/her entire working life.
  • Pensioners: No contribution period is required.

No previous contribution period is required when the cause of death is attributable to a work-related accident or occupational disease.


Temporary allowance, paid in a maximum of twelve monthly payments and two special payments, is calculated by applying 20% of the corresponding base pension, which varies depending on the employment status of the deceased on the date of death and the cause of death.

Economic effects:

The allowance is paid from the first day of the month following the date of application.


The allowance is paid on a monthly basis, with two special payments in June and November.
The fixedminimum amountsare guaranteed for the family members' pension, with no increases for widowhood.

Compatibility / Incompatibility:

The allowance is incompatible if the beneficiary has a certain income level or is in receipt of any public pension.


The maximum duration of the allowance is 12 months.

  • Filing the application: There are no deadlines.
  • Decision on the case: 90 days after the filing date of the application. Currently, the average time frame is 13 days.
  • Due to the maximum duration period expiring.
  • Due to death.
  • After establishing that the missing worker did not die in an accident.

Survivor's Benefits Application.


The documents listed on the application form.

Where it is processed:

At Social Security Support and Information Centres.and at the provincial headquarters or offices of the Marine Social Institute, for seafarers.

Competent Body:

Acknowledgement of the right to the allowance is the responsibility of the National Social Security Institute, or the Social Marine Institute, for seafarers. When death is due to a work-related injury, by the Mutual Society Partnering with Social Security.

Other important information:
  • Entitlement to receive the allowance does not expire.
  • As regards work-related injuries and occupational diseases, the deceased is considered to have been duly affiliated at the time of death, even if the employer has failed to fulfil its obligations.
  • Special Regimes



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