Beneficiaries/ requirements
Persons included in the General Scheme who have been declared as having a partial permanent disability, regardless of the contingency that caused it, provided that they meet the following requirements:
They are not of the age provided for in article 205 section 1.a) of the LGSS on the date of the causal event or they do not meet the requirements to access the System'scontributory retirement pension, if the disability is a result of common contingencies.
They are affiliated and registered or have a status assimilated to affiliation.
Workers are considered to be fully affiliated and with registered status when the disability is caused by a work-related injury or occupational disease, even if the employer has not met his or her obligations.
Legal strikes or lockouts are considered causes for special registration status.
Commercial representatives, artists and bullfighting professionals must also be up-to-date with their contribution payments on the date on which the event occurs. If they are not up-to-date, they will be advised of the need to pay the outstanding amount, provided that the payments due do not affect the exclusion period, with the payment of the benefit made upon completion of this obligation.
- They have a previous contribution period, if the disability is caused by a common illness:
Of 1,800 days of contributions over the 10 years immediately preceding the date of termination of the temporary disability from which the permanent disability arises.
For workers under the age of 21, on the date their sick leave begins, they should provide proof for half of the days that have passed between the date on which they reached 16 years of age and the beginning of the temporary disability process, which shall all be added to the period, whether finished or not, of the temporary disability (545 days) (art. 3 Decree 394/1974 of 31 January).
For workers on part-time contracts, to certify the contribution period required, effective 4/8/2013, the regulations set out in Royal Decree-Law 11/2013, of 2 August shall be applied.
No previous contribution period shall be required if the disability is due to an accident, whether work-related and non-work related, or from an occupational disease.