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Special Agreement for individuals with a disability who have particular difficulties as regards employability (R.D. 156/2013 of 1 March)

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You may also consult the Processes and Procedures section for a simplified version

Who may subscribe to it?

People who meet the following requirements may subscribe to this special agreement:

  • They must be aged over 18 and under 67 or aged 65 if able to accredit they have paid contributions for 38 years and 6 months.
  • They must be affected by a recognised grade of disability equal to or higher than 33% in the case of people with cerebral palsy, people with mental illness or people with intellectual disability, or 65% in the case of people with physical or sensory disability.
  • They must not be registered or in a situation similar to  that of being registered in any Social Security scheme or any other public social protection scheme.
  • They must be registered in public employment services as job-seekers and not have been employed for a period of at least six months immediately before the date of applying for the special agreement.
  • They must not be retirement pensioners or suffer from permanent disability.

Application method and term

Applications will be submitted to the Provincial or Administrative Office of the Social Security Treasury General or through the e-Office using the corresponding form (form |TA-0040 People with disabilities).


In 2013 this special agreement may take effect, at the option of the applicant, from the date of presenting the agreement from  1 April 2013, the date of effect of Royal Decree 156/2013 of 1 March.

From 01/01/2014 the agreement  will take effect on the date of applying for the special agreement, in all cases

Protective Action

The protective action dispensed by this Special Agreement will be that corresponding to retirement, death and survival.


Social Security contributions pursuant to this special agreement will be paid exclusively by the subscriber.

Matters not provided for in the provisions regulating this special agreement will be regulated by the provisions of Chapter I of Order TAS/2865/2003 of 13 October.

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