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Sources of information

The Provincial User Support Units are there to help you. You can contact them through TGSS   Telephone Support Service on 901 50 20 50. This service will provide custom advice on your situation, deal with queries and incidents, and manage access to information and training seminars and courses for users on how the RED System works .If you have any problems or doubts, please contact this Service during opening hours, from Monday to Friday, from

 09:00 to 19:00 h.


The technical support staff of collaborating companies offer their customers "help services" for installing and using the RED System software.

Other documentation

    The following documentation is also available:

  • RED News :

    These are newsletters that you can find in the news area. Their aim is to inform users of new features, answer queries, provide general information on topics that affect users and possible general problems, etc. .

  • FAQ s :

    Answers to the questions most frequently asked by users of the RED System.

  • Manuals :

    Manuals with general information about the RED System (software installation procedure, the steps involved in joining the RED System, etc)

  • Social Security Website:

    Here you can access all types of information on the RED System, approved certificates, as well as find manuals and forms, etc.
Complementary Content