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Permanent Cl@ve

Permanent Cl@ve is a password that you can define at the time of activation and is valid for 1 year. Once activated, you will be able to access the administration's services with your ID number and the password you have set.
To activate your Cl@ve permanent you will need the activation code you obtained when you registered with Cl@ve. Once activated as a permanent password, you can change your password or, if you do not remember it, reactivate it from the Cl@ve services: password management. If you forget to re-activate it, you will need the activation code again.

Once registered, if you can't find or remember your activation code, you can request it from regenerate activation code.

When you select Cl@ve Permanent as the means of accessing an e-administration service, the system will ask you to enter your identity document and password.

If the password entered is correct, and the service does not require a higher level of security, it will allow you access to the service.
For e-administration services requiring a higher level of security, the system reinforces authentication with the request to enter a single-use numeric code (One Time Password, OTP) that is sent by SMS message to the mobile phone number you registered in Cl@ve.

The Cl@ve system for advanced registration includes the possibility of digital signatures using centralised digital certificates, i.e. digital certificates stored and saved by the Public Administration.

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