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Affiliation, termination of affiliation, and data changes in the Special Scheme for Sea Workers


Procedure for Affiliation, Cessation and Data Variation in the Special Maritime Work Scheme

General Information


Registrations, withdrawals and changes to details must be reported to Social Security to let them know when an employee begins working, when they cease to work and when there are any changes to the personal and employment details of workers affiliated to Social Security.


Employed Workers:

  •  The employer is under obligation to apply for affiliation and withdrawal from affiliation, and to report changes to the details of all their workers.

Self-employed Workers:

  • The worker is under obligation to apply for affiliation and withdrawal from affiliation, and to report changes to their details.

Employed Workers:

Self-employed Workers:

  • Affiliation, withdrawal from affiliation, and changes to details:  Form TA.0825
Where to process it:

Employed Workers:

  • Registration Application:
    • Prior to the beginning of the employment relationship, up to 60 calendar days prior thereto.
  • Application for Withdrawal from affiliation and changes to details:
    • 3  calendar days.

Self-employed Workers:

  •  Registration Application:
    • 30  calendar days.
  •  Application for Withdrawal from affiliation and changes to details:
    • 3  calendar days.


  • Registrations presented in advance come into effect on the day the activity commences.
  • Registrations presented after the deadline will enter into effect from the day on which the application is presented, unless the contributions have been paid within the regulatory time period in which case the registration will be backdated to the date on which the first contributions were paid for the worker in question.
  • Registrations made at the initiative of the employee will be backdated to the date on which the circumstances for which they were presented become known.


  • The withdrawal from affiliation of the employee will become effective from the date they cease to provide their services.
  • The worker's application for withdrawal from affiliation means they are no longer obliged to make contributions after the date of termination of employment.
  • If the withdrawal is requested outside the time period, the requirement to make contributions will end on the day that the Social Security General Treasury becomes aware of the employment termination.
  • When the Social Security General Treasury processes the withdrawal at its own initiative, the obligation to make payments will come to an end on the day on which the inspection is carried out, or on which they receive the information or documents that provide evidence of the employment termination.
Other important information:
  • The employer is obliged to report any registrations, withdrawals or changes to the details of employees that work for their company. Should they not do so, the worker may do it directly at the Social Security General Treasury.
  • Affiliations, withdrawals from affiliation, or changes to details may be processed by the Provincial and Local Offices of the Social Marine Institute when neither the company nor the worker have performed them.
  • When the ship is sailing in regions far from the place where the company is registered, there shall be a 6-calendar-day  period, which will start from the ship's arrival at harbour at the province where it is registered, for the purposes of formalising the worker's affiliation, withdrawal from affiliation or data changes; the period between the worker joining the company and the affiliation and registration application may not exceed 10 calendar days.
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