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Speciality Certificates

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Languages available: Castellano

Fisherman Sailor





Maximum number of students



Training students to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Familiarity with the concept, knowledge and name of the different sets of equipment on the ship.
  • Basic knowledge of steering of the ship, look out and guard duty.
  • Safely load, unload and stow weights on board.
  • Assist and collaborate in manoeuvring the vessel and fishing duties following the skipper's orders.
  • Perform maintenance and conservation operations on the hull, superstructures, deck equipment and fishing tackle and gear, following the boatswain's orders.
  • Perform manoeuvring and catch extraction operations, together with maintenance jobs, implementing suitable preventive, corrective and protection measures to keep the vessel fail safe and prevent individual and group workplace risks.
  • Handle catches to conserve them, ensuring that fishing and fish-farm products are in dealt in a hygienic and sanitary way.
  • Take measures to prevent, control and fight against sea pollution and for the conservation of its resources.
  • Academic Qualification:
    • Compulsory Education Completion Certificate or equivalent.
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation / Advanced Certificate in firefighting





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills:

  • Controlling firefighting operations on board.  
  • Organising and training firefighting squads.
  • Inspecting and maintaining fire detection and extinguishing systems and equipment. 
  • Investigating and gathering reports on incidents in which fires have broken out.
  • Professional Certificate/Qualification:

    • Basic training Certificate or Basic safety training Certificate. 
  • Other Prerequisites: 
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested or
      • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      •  Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation Certificate / Passenger Ships





Maximum number of students



To train students to acquire the following skills:

  • Contributing to the implementation of emergency plans and procedures to assemble and evacuate passengers.
  • Providing assistance to passengers en route to assembly and boarding stations.
  • Organising the emergency procedures on board.
  • Optimising the use of resources.
  • Directing the intervention in the event of an emergency.
  • Directing passengers and other crew in emergency situations.
  • Establishing and maintaining effective communications.
  • Establishing security procedures for passengers, cargo, and hull integrity.
  • Professional Qualification/Certificate:
  • Basic training Certificate or Basic safety training Certificate.

Updated Passenger Ships





Maximum number of students



Train participants and update the following skills:

  • Contributing to the implementation of emergency plans and procedures to assemble and evacuate passengers.
  • Providing assistance to passengers en route to assembly and boarding stations.
  • Organising the emergency procedures on board.
  • Optimising the use of resources.
  • Directing the intervention in the event of an emergency.
  • Directing passengers and other crew in emergency situations.
  • Establishing and maintaining effective communications.
  • Establishing security procedures for passengers, cargo, and hull integrity.
  • Additional training:
    • Passenger Ship Certificate.

Updated Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker loading operations





Maximum number of students



To train students to update the following skills:

  • Contributing to safety in oil and chemical tanker loading operations.

  • Risk prevention.

  • To take health and safety precautions and measures in the workplace.

  • Carrying out firefighting operations.

  • To have an emergency response.

  • Taking precautions to prevent pollution of the environment due to hydrocarbon or chemical discharges.

  • Additional training.

    • Basic Training Certificate for Oil and Chemical Tanker loading operations. 
  • Other requirements.

At least one of the following when submitting the application:

    • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
    • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
    • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration:

    • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
    • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Speciality Certificate / Basic Training for loading Operations on Tankers for transporting Liquid Gas





Maximum number of students



Train participants to master the following skills:

  • Contributing to the safe operation of liquefied gas carriers.

  • Risk prevention.

  • To take health and safety precautions and measures in the workplace.

  • Carrying out firefighting operations.

  • Emergency response.

  • Taking precautions to prevent pollution of the environment due to spillage of liquid gases.

  • Professional Qualification/Certificate:
    • Basic training Certificate or Basic safety training Certificate.
    • Additional training. 
    • Advanced Firefighting
  • Other requirements.

At least one of the following when submitting the application:

  • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration:

    • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
    • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Updated Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Carrier loading operations





Maximum number of students



To train students to update the following skills:

  • Contributing to the safe operation of liquefied gas carriers.
  • Risk prevention.
  • Health and safety precautions and measures in the workplace.
  • Carrying out firefighting operations.
  • Emergency response.
  • Taking precautions to prevent pollution of the environment due to spillage of liquid gases.
  •  Prerequisite training:
    • Basic Training Certificate for loading operations on liquefied gas carriers
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation Certificate / Advanced Training for Oil Tanker loading operations





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills:

  • Capacity to safely perform and oversee loading operations.
  • Familiarisation with the physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbon cargoes.
  • Risk prevention.
  • Health and safety precautions in the workplace.
  • Emergency response.
  • Taking precautions to avoid polluting the environment.
  • Overseeing and controlling compliance with legal obligations.
  • Professional Certificate/Qualification:
    • Basic training Certificate or Basic safety training Certificate.
  • Additional training:

Applicants must hold one of the following certifications:

    • Certificate in Familiarisation with Tankers.
    • Basic Training Certificate for Oil and Chemical Tanker loading Operations
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Updated Advanced Training Oil Tanker loading operations





Maximum number of students



To train students to update the following skills:

  • Capacity to safely perform and oversee loading operations.
  • Familiarisation with the physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbon cargoes.
  • Risk prevention.
  • Health and safety precautions in the workplace.
  • Emergency response.
  • Taking precautions to avoid polluting the environment.
  • Overseeing and controlling compliance with legal obligations.

  • Prerequisite training:
    • Advanced Training Certificate for Oil Tanker loading operations
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation Certificate / Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker loading operations





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills:

  • Capacity to safely perform and oversee loading operations.
  • Familiarisation with the physical and chemical properties of chemical cargoes.
  • Risk prevention.
  • Health and safety precautions in the workplace.
  • Emergency response.
  • Taking precautions to avoid polluting the environment.
  • Overseeing and controlling compliance with legal obligations. 
  • Professional Certificate/Qualification:
    • Basic training Certificate or Basic safety training Certificate.
  • Additional training:

Applicants must hold one of the following certifications:

    • Basic Training Certificate for Oil and Chemical Tanker Loading Operations.
    • Certificate in Familiarisation with Tankers.
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Updated Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker loading operations





Maximum number of students



To train students to update the following skills:

  • Capacity to safely perform and oversee loading operations.
  • Familiarisation with the physical and chemical properties of chemical cargoes.
  • Health and safety precautions in the workplace.
  • Emergency response.
  • Taking precautions to avoid polluting the environment.
  • Overseeing and controlling compliance with legal obligations.

  • Prerequisite training:
    • Advanced Training Certificate for Chemical Tanker loading operations
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation Certificate / Advanced Training for Loading Operations on Liquefied Gas Carriers





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills:

  • Capacity to safely perform and oversee loading operations.
  • Familiarisation with the physical and chemical properties of liquefied gas cargoes.
  • Risk prevention.
  • Health and safety precautions in the workplace.
  • Emergency response.
  • Taking precautions to avoid polluting the environment.
  • Overseeing and controlling compliance with legal obligations.

  •  Professional Qualification/Certification:
    • Basic training Certificate or Basic safety training Certificate.
  • Additional training: 

          Applicants must hold one of the following certifications:

    •  Tanker Familiarization Certificate
    • Basic Training Certificate for loading operations on Liquefied Gas Carriers
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating  the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels. 

Updated Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Carrier loading operations





Maximum number of students



To train students to update the following skills:

  • Capacity to safely perform and oversee loading operations.
  • Familiarisation with the physical and chemical properties of liquefied gas cargoes.
  • Risk prevention.
  • Health and safety precautions in the workplace.
  • Emergency response.
  • Taking precautions to avoid polluting the environment.
  • Overseeing and controlling compliance with legal obligations.

  • Prerequisite training:
    • Advanced Training Certificate for loading operations on Liquefied Gas Carriers
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation Certificate / Restricted Operator of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS)





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills:

  • Transmitting and receiving information  using GMDSS subsystems and equipment and complying with GMDSS functional requirements.
  • Providing radio services in emergency situations.
  • Professional Certificate/Qualification:
    • Merchant Navy Captain.
    • First Officer in the Merchant Navy.
    • Second Officer in the Merchant Navy.
    • Fishing captain.
    • Deep-sea Skipper.
    • Coastal fishing chief mate. 
    • Coastal shipping Skipper.
    • Coastal fishing Skipper.
    • Port Skipper. 
    • Inshore fishing vessel Skipper.
    • Local fishing vessel Skipper 
    • Professional leisure boat Skipper
    • Deck Seafarer in the Merchant Navy.
    • Fisherman sailor with no command restrictions.
    • Students  who meet the following requirements may also complete these courses:
      • To be enrolled in or to have completed academic studies corresponding to any of said qualifications or certifications, or
      • To be undergoing or to have completed a corresponding academic or professional internship, although not in possession of the official certificate or qualification from the Merchant Navy Directorate General.
    • These circumstances shall be accredited by means of a certificate issued by the training centre or company, depending on the case.
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Update of Certificate for Restricted Operator of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS)





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills:

  • Transmitting and receiving information using GMDSS subsystems and equipment and complying with GMDSS functional requirements.
  • Providing radio services in emergency situations.

  • Additional training:
    • Restricted Operator’s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress Safety System.
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:  
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation Certificate / General Operator of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS)





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills:

  • Transmitting and receiving information using GMDSS subsystems and equipment and complying with GMDSS functional requirements.
  • Providing radio services in emergency situations.

  • Professional Certificate/Qualification:
    • Merchant Navy Captain.
    • First Officer in the Merchant Navy.
    • Second Officer in the Merchant Navy.
    • Fishing captain.
    • Deep-sea Skipper.
    • Coastal shipping Skipper.
    • Inshore fishing vessel Skipper.
    • Professional leisure boat Skipper
    • Students who meet the following requirements may also complete these courses:
      • To be enrolled in or to have completed academic studies corresponding to any of said qualifications or certifications, or
      • To be undergoing or to have completed a corresponding academic or professional internship, although not in possession of the official certificate or qualification from the Merchant Navy Directorate General.
    • These circumstances shall be accredited by means of a certificate issued by the training centre or company, depending on the case.
  • Other requirements:
    • At the time of applying, at least one of the following:
      • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.
    • When preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration, at least one of the following:
      • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
      • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Update of Certificate for General Operator of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS)





Maximum number of students



Train participants to master the following skills:

  • Transmitting and receiving information using GMDSS subsystems and equipment and complying with GMDSS functional requirements.
  • Providing radio services in emergency situations.

  • Additional training.

    • General Operator´s Certificate for the Global Maritime Distress Safety System.
  • Other requirements.

    At least one of the following when submitting the application:

    • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
    • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
    • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration:

  • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.  

Specialisation Certificate / Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (Other than fast rescue boats)





Maximum number of students



Train participants to master the following skills:

  • Taking charge of a lifeboat or rescue boat during and after launch.

  • Starting up the engine on a lifeboat.

  • Organising the survivors and the lifeboat after abandoning ship.

  • Use of localisation devices, including communication and signalling equipment and flares.

  • Dispensing first aid to survivors. 


  • Professional Qualification/Certificate:
    • Basic training Certificate or Basic safety training Certificate. 
  • Other requirements.

When submitting the application:

  • Declaration of responsibility (issued by the father/mother/legal guardian, where applicable) that the applicant can swim.

and at least one of the following:

  • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or  
  • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration: 

  • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Ratification of the Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Certificate (other than speedboats).





Maximum number of students



To train students to update and maintain the following skills:

  • Taking charge of a lifeboat or rescue boat during and after launch.

  • Starting up the engine on a lifeboat.

  • Organising the survivors and the lifeboat after abandoning ship.

  • Use location devices, including signalling devices.

  • Dispensing first aid to survivors. 


  • Additional training.

    • Survival craft and rescue boats (other than fast rescue boats) Certificate .
  • Other requirements.  

    When submitting the application:

    • Declaration of responsibility (issued by the father/mother/legal guardian, where applicable) that the applicant can swim.

and at least one of the following:

  • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or  
  • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration: 

  • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Specialisation Certificate / Fast Rescue Boats





Maximum number of students



To train students to achieve the following skills: 

  • Understanding the construction, maintenance and repairs and equipment on rescue speedboats.

  • Taking charge of launching equipment and devices that are usually installed during launch and recovery.

  • Taking charge of the rescue speedboat with the equipment and devices that are usually installed during its launch and recovery.

  • Taking charge of the rescue speedboat after launch.

  • Starting up the engine on a rescue speedboat.


  • Professional Qualification/Certificate:

Hold any of the following qualifications or certifications:

  • Merchant Navy Captain.
  • First Officer in the Merchant Navy.
  • Second Officer in the Merchant Navy.
  • Deep-sea Skipper.
  • Coastal shipping Skipper.
  • Chief engineer in the Merchant Navy.
  • First engineer Officer in the Merchant Navy.
  • Second engineer Officer in the Merchant Navy.
  • Chief Engineer.
  • Engineer.
  • Engine Seafarer in the Merchant Navy.
  • Deck Seafarer in the Merchant Navy.

Students who meet the following requirements may also complete this course:

  • Are studying or have completed academic studies equivalent to any of the qualifications or certificates, or
  • Are  taking or have completed the relevant academic or professional work experiences, even if they do not have the official qualification or certificate of the Directorate-General for the Merchant Navy.

These circumstances must be accredited by a certificate issued by the training centre or company, as appropriate.

  • Additional training.
  • Survival craft and rescue boats Certificate (other than speedboats.              
  • Other requirements.

When submitting the application:

  • Declaration of responsibility (issued by the father/mother/legal guardian, where applicable) that the applicant can swim.

and  at least one of the following:

  • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration: 

  • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Ratification of the Fast Rescue Boat Certificate





Maximum number of students



To train students to update and maintain the following skills:

  • Understanding the construction, maintenance and repairs and equipment on rescue speedboats.

  • Taking charge of launching equipment and devices that are usually installed during launch and recovery.

  • Taking charge of the rescue speedboat after launch.

  • Additional training.  
  • Fast rescue boat certificate.
  • Other requirements.

When submitting the application:

  • Declaration of responsibility (issued by the father/mother/legal guardian, where applicable) that the applicant can swim.

and  at least one of the following:

  • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration: 

  • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or 
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

Certificate of Proficiency in Basic Training for Ships under the IGF Code





Maximum number of students



Train participants to  master  the following skills:

  • To contribute to the safe operation of vessels covered by the IGF Code.  

  • To take precautions to prevent risks on ships covered by the IGF Code.

  • To take health and safety precautions and measures in the workplace.

  • To conduct fire-fighting operations on vessels covered by the IGF Code.

  • To have an emergency response.

  • To take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment from the discharge of fuels from ships covered by the IGF Code.

  • Professional Qualification/Certificate.
  • Basic training Certificate or basic safety training Certificate.
  • Additional training.
  • Certificate Advanced firefighting (in force).
  • Other Requirements. 

At least  one of the following when submitting the application:

  • Statement of compliance indicating the applicant does not suffer from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical Certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

At least one of the following when preselected for the course, if applicable, and for its entire duration:

  • Valid medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any physical or mental illness preventing them from undertaking the training requested, or
  • Valid medical Certificate indicating that the applicant is fit for work on marine vessels.

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