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Authorisation management

Authorisation of CCCs, NAFs, and secondary  users can be managed via the "Online RED System", under "Management of authorisations":

  • Management of CCCs/NAFs: Users can consult assigned CCCs and NAFs that they have authorised, in addition to those for which the authorised RED receives electronic notifications.
    They can also Assign or Rescind CCCs or NAFs that they have authorised. To Assign a CCC or NAF, the system will check whether the authorisation NIF matches the NIF of the CCC or NAF to be assigned. In the event of a match, it will be assigned automatically. If it does not match, the company must confirm the assignment using the service created to this end available from the Social Security e-Office. Doing so is equivalent to submitting forms FR103, FR104 and FR10 to the administration.
    To rescind a CCC or NAF, users must specify which one and the system will automatically rescind the authorisation.
  • Management of secondary users: The main user may register,  deregister, amend and consult the details of secondary users of an authorisation.
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