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Topic 6. Other Social Protection Issues.

Topic 6. Other social protection issues.
Title Person Responsible Applicant entity Year of execution
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Silent Reform. The Effects of Maximum and Minimum Limits (of Contributions and Pensions) on the Sustainability of the System. Research

J.Ignacio Conde-Ruiz Research Team 2012 PDF.

Silent Reform. The Effects of Maximum and Minimum Limits (of Contributions and Pensions) on the Sustainability of the System. Executive Summary

J.Ignacio Conde-Ruiz Research Team 2012 PDF.

The Politics of Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion. Simulation and Evaluation of National and Regional Policies. Research (I)

Amadeo Fuenmayor Fernández Research Team 2012 PDF.

The Politics of Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion. Simulation and Evaluation of National and Regional Policies. Research (II)

Amadeo Fuenmayor Fernández Research Team 2012 PDF.

The Politics of Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion. Simulation and Evaluation of National and Regional Policies. Executive Summary

Amadeo Fuenmayor Fernández Research Team 2012 PDF.

Analysis of the Compatibility of Social Security Benefits and Employment: Balance and Proposals for Improvement. Research (I)

Jesús R. Mercader Ugina  Research Team 2012 PDF.

Analysis of the Compatibility of Social Security Benefits and Employment: Balance and Proposals for Improvement. Research (II)

Jesús R. Mercader Ugina  Research Team 2012 PDF.

Analysis of the Compatibility of Social Security Benefits and Employment: Balance and Proposals for Improvement. Executive Summary

Jesús R. Mercader Ugina  Research Team 2012 PDF.

Case Law on Employer Liability for Social Security Benefits. Research

José Luis Tortuero Plaza Research Team 2012 PDF.

Case Law on Employer Liability for Social Security Benefits. Executive Summary

José Luis Tortuero Plaza Research Team 2012 PDF.

Domestic Employment: Retirement Strategies and Alternative Funding Options. Research

Marina García Albertos Research Team 2012 PDF.

Domestic Employment: Retirement Strategies and Alternative Funding Options. Executive Summary

Marina García Albertos Research Team 2012 PDF.

Quality of Life for the Pensioner Population using the "Replacement Rate" Salary Indicator. Executive Summary

Ana Vicente Merino Research Team 2011 PDF.

Quality of Life for the Pensioner Population using the "Replacement Rate" Salary Indicator. Research

Ana Vicente Merino Research Team 2011 PDF.

Traffic Accidents and their Impact on the Social Security System (2000-2010). Executive Summary

Ignacio Soriano Somovilla Ignacio Soriano Somovilla 2011 PDF.

Traffic Accidents and their Impact on the Social Security System (2000-2010). Research

Ignacio Soriano Somovilla Ignacio Soriano Somovilla  2011 PDF.

Regrouping Immigrant Families: Effects on Affiliation and Impact on Social Protection Costs. Research

Pablo Vazquez Vega

Foundation for the Study of Applied Economics 2009 PDF.

Improving the Estimation of the Relative Poverty Threshold for Spanish Citizens, with a Special Focus on Retired People and Pensioners. Research

Miguel Angel García Díaz Confederación Sindical de CC.OO (Trade Union Confederation).  2008   PDF.

Social Exclusion and Poverty: Youth Education/Training Transition and Job Placement. Research

Cecilia Albert Verdu  University of Alcalá de Henares  2008   PDF.

Towards a New Family Protection Model in Spain (1). Research

José Mª Zufiaur Labour Asociados  2008   PDF.

Towards a New Family Protection Model in Spain (2). Research

José Mª Zufiaur  Labour Asociados    2008  PDF.

Towards a New Family Protection Model in Spain (3). Research

José Mª Zufiaur  Labour Asociados    2008  PDF.

Towards a New Family Protection Model in Spain (4). Research

José Mª Zufiaur  Labour Asociados    2008 PDF.

Towards a New Family Protection Model in Spain (5). Research

José Mª Zufiaur  Labour Asociados    2008  PDF.

Evaluation of the Living Conditions of the Poor Population in Spain (1). Research

José Luis Calvo González   UNED 2008   PDF.

Evaluation of the Living Conditions of the Poor Population in Spain (2). Research

José Luis Calvo González  UNED   2008  PDF.

Joint Ownership of Farms in Relation to the Social Protection System and Possible Alternatives. Analysis from a Gender Perspective. Research

Montserrat Cortiñas González   FADEMUR  2007 PDF.

Childcare and Gender. Research

Rafael Gobernado Arribas  University of Málaga  2007   PDF.

Social Protection for Foreign Workers. Research

Santiago González Ortega   Pablo de Olavide University   2007  PDF.

Effectiveness of the Social Protection System with regard to Gender Equality in the Agricultural Sector and the Joint Ownership of Farms. Research

Teresa López López  FADEMUR   2006 PDF.

Social Protection and New Family Models: the Case of Regrouped Households. Research

Ana Mª Rivas Rivas Complutense University of Madrid 2006  PDF.

COAG Studies and Reports in the Area of Social Protection. Research

Mariano Castellanos Marchante  COAG   2006 PDF.

Development Perspectives and Evaluation of Parental and Family-related Leave in Spain and the European Union. Research

Anna Escobedo  Autonomous University of Barcelona  2006  PDF.

The Rational Dimension of Social Exclusion and Social Protection Policies. Research

Joan Subirats  Institut de govern i polítiques públiques (UAB)  2006   PDF.

Assessment of the Size and Living Conditions of Households Formed of Retired Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Research

Angeles Sevillano Hernández  Spanish Education and  Popular Culture League   2006 PDF.

Evaluation of the Impact of Work-life  Balance on Gender Equality. Analysis of Specific Protection and Publicity Actions. Research

Natalia Papí González  University of Alicante   2006 PDF.

Citizenship, Family Protection and Dependency: a Socio-Legal Analysis of the Impact of European Migration. Research

Vicenç Aguado i Cudolà  Fundacio Boch i Gimpera   2006  PDF.

Summary of Social Benefits for the Elderly in Galicia. Research

Purificación Caamaño García  Nova Herdanza  2006   PDF.

The Right to Social Protection of Victims of Gender-Based Violence. Systematic Study of Chapter II of Organic Law 1/2004, of 28 December, on Comprehensive Protection against Gender-Based Violence. Research

Asunción Ventura Franch  Jaime I de Castellón University  2006   PDF.

The Frontiers of Social Protection. People's Perceptions of Current Protection Options and  Possible Alternatives. Research

Mariano Fernández Enguita   University of Salamanca  2006  PDF.

Study on the Relationship between the Demand for Social Protection and Professional Development. Research

Pedro Lanza García  Idea Gestión  2006   PDF.

Configuring Social Services as a Public Service. Subjective Right of Citizens to Service Provision. Research

Joaquín Tornos Mas  University of Barcelona  2006   PDF.

Study on Increasing the Efficiency of the Social Protection System in Relation to Objectives of Fairness, Gender Equality and Reducing Poverty in Marginal Neighbourhoods. Research

 Francisca Fernández López Foundation for Technological Research and Development of the Knowledge Society  2006  PDF.
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