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Topic 2. Organisation and Design of the Social Security.

Topic 2. Social Security Organisation and Design.
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Proposals for a Change in the Social Protection System for Public Performance Artists. Research

Icíar Alzaga Ruiz Research Team 2012 PDF.

Proposals for a Change in the Social Protection System for Public Performance Artists. Executive Summary

Icíar Alzaga Ruiz Research Team 2012 PDF.

Widowhood of the Future. Study and Proposals for Global Reform to Guarantee its Sustainability. Executive Summary

Camilo Fernando Hernández León Research Team 2011 PDF.

Widowhood of the Future. Study and Proposals for Global Reform to Guarantee its Sustainability. Executive Summary

Camilo Fernando Hernández León Research Team 2011 PDF.

Widowhood of the Future. Study and Proposals for Global Reform to Guarantee its Sustainability. Research

Camilo Fernando Hernández León Research Team 2011 PDF.

Restructuring the Widowhood Pension to New Social Situations and New Family and Cohabitation Models: Proposals for Reform. Executive Summary

Djamil Tony Kahale Carrillo Djamil Tony Kahale Carrillo 2011 PDF.

Restructuring the Widowhood Pension to New Social Situations and New Family and Cohabitation Models: Proposals for Reform. Research

Djamil Tony Kahale Carrillo Djamil Tony Kahale Carrillo 2011 PDF.

Private Law and Social Benefits. Analysis of the Widowhood and Orphan's Benefits and Benefits for Family Members in European Social Security Systems. Executive Summary

Santiago González Ortega Research Team 2011 PDF.

Private Law and Social Benefits. Analysis of the Widowhood and Orphan's Benefits and Benefits for Family Members in European Social Security Systems. (part I)

Santiago González Ortega Research Team 2011 PDF.

Private Law and Social Benefits. Analysis of the Widowhood and Orphan's Benefits and Benefits for Family Members in European Social Security Systems. (part II)

Santiago González Ortega Research Team 2011 PDF.

Citizens' Advice and Daily Management of Social Policies. Analysis, Evaluation and Proposals for Improvements to Social Security Advice and Information Centres. Executive Summary

Alberto Martín Pérez Research Team 2010 PDF.

Citizens' Advice and Daily Management of Social Policies. Analysis, Evaluation and Proposals for Improvements to Social Security Advice and Information Centres. Research

Alberto Martín Pérez Research Team 2010 PDF.

Study on Caring for Minors with Serious Illnesses: A Regulatory Proposal. Executive Summary

Ana Higuera Garrido Research Team 2010 PDF.

Study on Caring for Minors with Serious Illnesses: A Regulatory Proposal. Research

Ana Higuera Garrido Research Team 2010 PDF.

Special Social Security Regimes. Problems of Integrating them into the General Regime or the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers. Executive Summary

Aranzazu Vicente Palacio

Research Team 2010 PDF.

Special Social Security Regimes. Problems of Integrating them into the General Regime or the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers. Research

Aranzazu Vicente Palacio

Research Team 2010 PDF.

Ways to Integrate and Streamline Special Regimes. Executive Summary

Juan J. Fernández Dominguez- Mª Reyes Martínez Barroso  Research Team 2010 PDF.

Ways to Integrate and Streamline Special Regimes. Research

Juan J. Fernández Dominguez- Mª Reyes Martínez Barroso   Research Team  2010 PDF.

Problems with the Widowhood Pension. Social Protection for People who have Worked Full-Time or Part-Time as Domestic Employees. Executive Summary

Juan Manuel López Zafra Research Team 2010  PDF.

Problems with the Widowhood Pension. Social Protection for People who have Worked Full-Time or Part-Time as Domestic Employees. Research

Juan Manuel López Zafra  Research Team  2010   PDF.

Revision of Social Security Protection for Single-Parent Families. Executive Summary

Nuria Pumar Beltrán Research Team 2010 PDF.

Revision of Social Security Protection for Single-Parent Families. Research

Nuria Pumar Beltrán  Research Team  2010  PDF.

Paths to Affiliation and Contribution Basis by Gender. Research

Gloria Moreno Raymundo  University of Alcalá de Henares 2009  PDF.

Psychosocial Factors that Affect Retirement Age. Research

Gabriela Topa Cantisano  UNED 2009  PDF.

Influence of Social Protection and the Pension System on the Activity and Access to Employment of Disabled People. Research

Miguel Angel Verdugo Alonso  University of Salamanca  2008  PDF.

From Maternity Protection to Care Legislation. Research

Noelia Igareda González  Autonomous University of Barcelona  2008   PDF.

Social Protection of Workers: Retirement. Critical Points. Research

Dolores Carrillo Marquez  Pontificia Comillas University of Madrid   2008 PDF.

Simplification of (Contributory) Social Security Regulations: Proposal for Adapting, Organising and Systematising Regulations Governing Social Security. Research

Arantzazu Vicente Palacio  Jaume I University   2008  PDF.

Social Welfare in Spain. From the National Welfare Institute to the National Social Security Institute. Research

Joaquín García Murcia - Mª Antonia Castro Arguelles  University of Oviedo  2008  PDF.

Female-Headed Single Parent Family Pensions: Profiles, Dynamics and Impacts. Research

Elisabet Almeda Samaranch  University of Barcelona  2007  PDF.

Special Social Security Regime for Domestic Employees : Questions Regarding their Integration into the General Regime. Research

Alberto Sendin Vazquez  Alberto Sendin Vazquez  2007  PDF.

Proposals for Changes to the Legal Regime for Domestic Employees. Research

José Ignacio García Ninet  University of Barcelona  2007  PDF.

Effect of Social Security on the Redistribution of Income. Research

Andrés Fernández Díaz  Complutense University of Madrid  2007  PDF.

Replacement Rates by Household of the Spanish Pension System and Mobility Induced Income. Research

 Isidro Sánchez Álvarez  University of Oviedo 2007  PDF.

Study on the Economic Impact of the REASS Reform on the Fruit and Vegetable Sector. Research

 José Mª Zalbidea Guerrero FEPEX   2007 PDF.

Improving the Statistical Information System from Social Security Records. Research

Luis Toharia Cortés  University of Alcalá de Henares  2007  PDF.

Adapting the Widowhood Pension to Demographic and Socio-Economic Changes. Research

Namkee Ahn  FEDEA  2007  PDF.

Transferring Workers' Income to Retired People. Research

José Clemente Polo Andrés  Autonomous University of Barcelona  2007  PDF.

Evaluating the Alternatives for Integrating Workers Employed by Another Person from the Special Agricultural Regime (REASS) to the General Regime. Research

Adolfo de Luxán Castilforte  ASAJA   2007 PDF.

Reproduction Rates by Age of the Contributing Population and Pensioners in Spain. Research

Pau Miret Gamundi  Centre d'estudis demografics  2007  PDF.

Widowhood Pension: Legal Framework for a New Social Reality. How to Adapt the Widowhood Pension so that it Better Meets the Condition of a Benefit to Replace Income Lost Due to the Death of the Originator. Research

Arantzazu Vicente Palacio 

Jaume I University

 2007 PDF.

Impact of the Possible Professional Standardisation of Prostitution on the Viability and Future Sustainability of the Pension System. Research

Graciela Malgeseni  Studies and Development Cooperation   2006 PDF.

Managing Income and Expenditure of Spanish Pensioners. Research

Domingo Comas Arnau  Interdisciplinary Group Association (GID Group)  2006 PDF.

Integrating Private Pension Plans with the Social Security: A Differential Games Approach. Research

Francisco Cabo García  University of Valladolid  2006  PDF.

Resizing Mutual Societies for Social Insurance as an Instrument that Complements the Social Security System. Research

Juan Bataller Grau Polytechnic University of Valencia 2006 PDF.
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