Extension of extraordinary Social Security measures for self-employed workers affected by the volcanic eruption in the Cumbre Vieja area on La Palma.
Extension of extraordinary Social Security measures for self-employed workers affected by the volcanic eruption in the Cumbre Vieja area on La Palma.
One. Severance benefit for self-employed workers who are forced to cease their activity as a direct consequence of the volcanic eruption in the Cumbre Vieja area of La Palma.
1. From 1 July 2022, self-employed workers who were receiving benefits for cessation of activity as a direct consequence of the volcanic eruption in the Cumbre Vieja area of La Palma on 30 June 2022, as provided for in points 1 and 2 of section one of the sixth additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 18/2021, of 28 September, on urgent measures for the protection of employment, economic recovery and improvement of the labour market, will continue to receive them, without calculating the six months of cessation of activity benefit provided for in this section for the purposes of using up the maximum periods of receipt established.
For the purposes of accessing these severance benefits, the contribution requirement provided for in article 338 of the consolidated text of the General Social Security Act, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015, of 30 October, will be considered to be fulfilled.
2. These special severance benefits may start to accrue with effect from 1 July 2022 and will last for a maximum of 4 months, always provided that the application is submitted within the first 21 calendar days following the entry into force (27/06/22) of this regulation. Otherwise, the effects are established on the first day of the month after the application is submitted. The duration of these benefits may not exceed 31 December 2022.
-Solicitud prórroga DISP ADIC 6 UNO 1 RD LEY18/2021
-Solicitud prórroga DA 6 UNO 2 RD LEY18/2021
-Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA Uno 1 RDL 18/2021Responsible declarationDeclaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA Uno 1 RDL 18/2021
-Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DISP ADIC SEXTA Uno 2 RDL 18/2021Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DISP ADIC SEXTA Uno 2 RDL 18/2021
TWO. Extraordinary severance benefit for self-employed workers affected by a temporary suspension of all activity as a result of the damage caused by the volcanic eruptions.
From 1 July 2022, self-employed workers affected by a temporary suspension of all activity as a result of the damage caused by the volcanic eruption who were receiving on 30 June 2022 the extraordinary severance benefit provided for in section two of the sixth additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 18/2021, of 28 September,may access the extraordinary severance benefit provided for in this section.
The maximum duration and other conditions of application of the contribution deductions to which the worker who is the beneficiary of this extraordinary severance benefit may be entitled shall not be modified by the receipt of the latter.
During the time that the activity is suspended, the self-employed worker will remain registered in the corresponding special system and will be exempt from the obligation to pay contributions. The exemption from payment of dues shall extend until 31 December 2022, or until the last day of the month in which the activity resumes, whichever is earlier.
The contribution basis applicable during the entire period of receipt of this special benefit will in any case be as provided when the benefit is first paid.
Cooperative worker-members who have opted to register as self-employed workers in the corresponding special scheme will also be entitled to this special benefit, provided that they meet the requirements set out in this article.
a) Be affiliated and registered in the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers or in the Special Scheme for Sea Workers, where applicable on 19 September 2021.
b) Be up to date with Social Security contribution payments.
•General: 70% MINIMUM CONTRIBUTION BASE (960.60€) = 672.42€.
This extraordinary benefit will be paid for a maximum of six months, and entitlement will end on 31 December 2022 or on the last day of the month in which it is agreed that the measures will be lifted, whichever is earlier.
The application for the benefit must be submitted within the first twenty-one calendar days following the entry into force of this regulation (27/06/22).
If the application is submitted after the deadline, entitlement to benefit will start on the first day of the month following the month of the application.
Receipt of the benefit shall be incompatible with the receipt of remuneration for work as an employed person,
With the performance of another activity on a self-employed basis;
-With the receipt of income from the company.
With the receipt of a Social Security benefit except for that which the beneficiary was receiving as it was compatible with the performance of the activity they were carrying out.
With regard to self-employed workers included in the Special Scheme for Sea Workers, the severance benefit will also be incompatible with aid for the standstill of the fleet.
-Solicitud prórroga DA SEXTA DOS RDL 18/2021
-Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA DOS RDL 18 2021Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA DOS RDL 18 2021
Three. Extraordinary unemployment benefit for self-employed workers whose activities have been affected as a result of the damage caused by the volcanic eruption in the Cumbre Vieja area of La Palma.
As of 1 July 2022, self-employed workers whose activity has been affected as a result of the damage caused by the volcanic eruption in the Cumbre Vieja area of La Palmaand who were receiving the extraordinary severance benefit provided for in section three of the sixth additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 18/2021, of 28 September, on 30 June 2022, will be able to access the extraordinary severance benefit provided for in this section.
Cooperative worker-members who have opted to register as self-employed workers in the corresponding special scheme will also be entitled to this special benefit, provided that they meet the requirements set out in this article.
Be registered and up to date with the payment of contributions in the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers or in the Special Scheme for Sea Workers as a self-employed worker before 19 September 2021.
Have net taxable income from self-employment in the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2022 of less than 75% of the minimum wage in that period (€5,250).
Certify a total taxable income from self-employment activity in the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2022 at least 50 per cent lower than that of the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2019.
For the calculation of the reduction in revenues, the period in discharge in the first and second quarter of 2019 will be taken into account and compared with the pro rata share of revenues in the first and second quarter of 2022 in the same proportion.
•General: 70% MINIMUM CONTRIBUTION BASE (960.60€) = 672.42€.
The collaborating mutual insurance company or, where applicable, the Social Marine Institute, will pay the self-employed worker, together with the cessation of activity benefit, the amount of the contributions for common contingencies that would have been paid if the self-employed worker had not been carrying out any activity, pursuant to the provisions of Article 329 of the revised text of the General Social Security Act.
-The amount of contributions for common contingencies: BR x 28.30%
During the time the self-employed worker is receiving the benefit, they must pay all contributions to the Social Security General Treasury, applying the rates in force to the corresponding contribution basis.
The contribution base applicable during the entire period of receipt of this extraordinary benefit shall be, in any case, the one established at the time of commencement of this benefit.
The application for the extraordinary benefit must be submitted within the first twenty-one calendar days following the entry into force of this regulation (27/06/22).
If the application is submitted after the deadline, entitlement to benefit will start on the first day of the month following the month of the application.
This benefit shall be paid for a maximum period of six months and shall not exceed 31 December 2022.
Receipt of the benefit shall be incompatible with the receipt of remuneration for work as an employed person,
With the performance of another activity on a self-employed basis;
- With the receipt of income from a company
With the receipt of a Social Security benefit except for that which the beneficiary was receiving as it was compatible with the performance of the activity they were carrying out.
- With regard to self-employed workers included in the Special Scheme for Sea Workers, the severance benefit will also be incompatible with aid for the standstill of the fleet.
- Solicitud prórroga DA SEXTA TRES RDL 18/2021
- Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA TRES RDL 18/2021
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Solicitud prórroga DISP ADIC 6 UNO 1 RD LEY18/2021 |
06/07/2022 |
Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA Uno 1 RDL 18/2021 |
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Solicitud prórroga DA 6 UNO 2 RD LEY18/2021 |
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Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DISP ADIC SEXTA Uno 2 RDL 18/2021 |
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Solicitud prórroga DA SEXTA DOS RDL 18/2021 |
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Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA DOS RDL 18 2021 |
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Solicitud prórroga DA SEXTA TRES RDL 18/2021 |
07/07/2022 |
Declaración responsable PRÓRROGA DA SEXTA TRES RDL 18/2021 |
06/07/2022 |