The following documentation must be submitted by the collaborating health care institutions :
- The deed of incorporation or amendment, as the case may be, registered in the Commercial Register, where this requirement is required under the applicable commercial legislation. If it is not, it must be accompanied by the deed or document of incorporation, articles of association or founding act, containing the rules governing its activity, registered, where appropriate, in the corresponding official register.
- National Identity Card (DNI), or document that replaces it, of the employers, natural persons and, where appropriate, of their legal representative.
- In the event that the health centre acts through a proxy, a sufficient power of attorney for this purpose and a duly legalised photocopy of their ID card, or the document that replaces it. The power of attorney must be registered in the Commercial Register, unless it is a power of attorney for a specific act.
- Document accrediting the Tax Identification Number (NIF), the National Identity Document (DNI), or document that replaces it, of the persons authorised to bid for and/or formalise contracts with the Public Administrations, as well as the document of power of attorney or granting of powers for these acts.
- Descriptive report of the centre, detailing the function and level of care coverage it offers and the material equipment it has.
- Provision, by means of computerised support, of the databases with the private resources offered for collaboration.
- Nominal list, in force, of the personnel working in the centre.
- Copy of the official title of each of the health professionals, referring to their speciality.
- Administrative authorisation, in force, for the opening and operation of the centre, issued by the Health Department of the corresponding Autonomous Community or authorisation or authorisation to provide medical assistance in Spain.
- Certificate, in force, of being up to date with tax and Social Security obligations, issued by the competent body.
- Accreditation of economic or professional solvency.
- Certificate of being registered in the Economic Activities Tax census or, failing this, the last receipt of payment of the same.
If the person requesting the collaboration is a health professional included in the RETA, he/she must provide:
- The document stating the contractual relationship linking you to the centre where they provide your services. If the said professional is included in a mutual society for social insurance alternative to the RETA, he/she must also provide a certificate accrediting registration in the same.
- Application stating name, surname, IPF and speciality to be performed.
- Copy of the official title of their speciality.
- Certificate, in force, of being up to date with tax and Social Security obligations, issued by the competent body.
- Accreditation of economic or professional solvency.
- Certificate of being registered in the Economic Activities Tax census or, failing this, the last receipt of payment of the same.
- Provision, by means of computerised support, of the databases with the private resources offered for collaboration.
In addition to the above documentation, both the centres and the healthcare professionals must provide the following responsible declarations:
- Responsible declaration on confidentiality of medical data.
- Responsible declaration of means for assistance, specifying the health services for which collaboration is requested and justifying sufficient means.
- Commitment of non-assignment of credits derived from the collaboration with the School Insurance.
To maintain the authorisation granted, it is essential condition that the collaborating centre or professional updates the required documentation whenever there is a change and, in any case, on an annual basis.
This update must be carried out within 30 days of its change or of the fulfilment of the annual deadline, without the need for a prior request by this Institute. Otherwise, the authorisation shall be revoked.
The authorisation shall also be revoked if:
- There is repeated failure to submit invoices within one month of the provision of assistance.
- The provision of health care to students without the proper administrative health authorisation in force was noted.