The benefit for permanent disability is granted under the same terms and conditions as for the General Scheme of the Social Security, with the following particular conditions.
Occupational contingencies (WRI and OD):
Self-employed workers can access the benefits arising from these contingencies, as long as they have voluntarily increased their coverage to include WRI and OD contingencies, or have compulsory cover for these contingencies and, in addition, either previously or simultaneously, have opted to accept coverage by the temporary disability benefit.
Concept of a WRI:
A WRI is considered to be an injury that has occurred as a direct and immediate consequence of work carried out as a self-employed worker and which determines its inclusion within the scope of application of this special scheme. They have the following consideration:
Those incurred in acts of rescue and of a similar nature, when they are related to the job.
Injuries suffered by the worker during working hours and in the place of work, when it is proved that they are connected to the work being carried out as a self-employed person.
Diseases, not considered occupational, contracted by the worker as a result of carrying out their work, as long as it is proved that the disease was caused exclusively by this.
Diseases or defects suffered by the worker beforehand, which are aggravated as a consequence of an injury caused by the accident.
The consequences of the accident that alter in nature, duration, seriousness or termination by intercurrent diseases which constitute complications arising from the pathological process determined by the accident itself or which are a result of diseases acquired in the new environment in which the patient has been situated.
Accident in itínere: As of 26-10-2017, an accident at work will also be understood as an accident at work when going to or returning from the place where the economic or professional activity is being carried out. For these purposes, the place of provision shall be understood to be the establishment where the self-employed worker habitually carries out his activity, provided that it does not coincide with his domicile and corresponds to the premises, building or office declared as being assigned to the economic activity for tax purposes. Article 316.2
LGSS 2015, introduced by Law 6/2017 of 24 October. Previously, accidents in itínere were excluded.
Accidents of workers who have not opted for occupational contingency protection: Accidents at work of those who have not opted for protection against this risk shall be considered as arising from non-work related injuries.
The following are not considered to be WRIs:
- Injuries which are due to force majeure outside of the workplace.
- Injuries which are the result of criminal intent or negligence on the part of the worker.
In the case of TRADEs, WRIs are considered to be all bodily injuries suffered by a TRADE as a result of their professional activity, injuries suffered while travelling to or returning from their place of work or injuries caused by or which are a consequence of carrying out said professional activity. Unless proven otherwise, it is assumed that an injury has no relationship to work when it does not occur while carrying out the relevant professional activity.
Concept of an OD:
This is a disease contracted as a consequence of work carried out as a self-employed worker, by virtue of which, the worker is included in the scope of application of this special scheme, caused by the action of the elements and substances, and in the activities included in the list of occupational diseases with the relationships to the main activities capable of producing them, appendix to RD 1299/2006 of 10 November.
Surcharge for lack of preventive measures against work risks:
The surcharge for financial benefits is not applicable in the case of WRI and OD.
Base rate:
If the disability arises from a common contingency (common disease or non work-related injury), there is no filling-in of gaps. Therefore, if months were to appear during which there was no obligation to contribute in the calculation period being taken into account, they will not be completed with the minimum bases in force for workers over 18 years of age.
Partial Permanent Disability:
If it arises from occupational contingencies, it is protected. Partial permanent disability for the usual profession is considered as that which, without reaching the degree of total, causes the worker a reduction no less than 50% of their normal performance for that work without stopping him from carrying out its fundamental tasks.
Total permanent disability:
The pension for total permanent disability for the usual profession, will be increased by 20% of the base pension that is taken into consideration for determining the amount of the pension, as long as the pensioner:
Is equal to or older than 55 years of age. If the initial recognition of the pension is made at a lower age, the increase will be applied, following an application by the interested party, from the first day of the month following that on which the worker reaches 55 years of age, as long as the requirements demanded in the following two points are met.
if the right to the increase is born in a calendar year later than that in which the initial pension was recognised, it will be increased by 20%, the revaluation which would have taken place from that date will be applied.
He does not carry out any paid work, either employed by another person or self-employed, which gives rise to the inclusion in any of the Social Security Schemes. The increase of the pension will be suspended for the period that the worker obtains employment or carries out paid work as a self-employed person which is compatible with the total permanent disability pension he was receiving.
The pension for total permanent disability, may be replaced by a lump-sum amount:
If it arises from common contingencies, equivalent to 40 monthly payments of the base pension for these contingencies, as long as the interested party exercises this option within 30 days following the declaration of the disability. The option will be understood as made in favour of the life pension when the worker has reached the age of 60 on the date on which the benefit is understood as having been caused.
More information on this Scheme: