General regulation:
55% of the RB. This percentage may be increased by 20% for beneficiaries over the age of 55 when it is difficult to gain employment in an activity different from the habitual one, due to a lack of general or specialised training and the social and employment conditions at their place of residence.
In cases in which a worker, who has reached or is above the ordinary retirement age, accesses the pension for TPD arising from common contingencies, due to failing to meet the requirements for accessing the retirement pension:
The applicable percentage corresponds to the minimum contributory period established at any given moment to be eligible for the retirement pension. The percentage that will be applied to the corresponding BR is currently 50%.
In the event of work-related injuries or occupational diseases, the benefit will increase, in accordance with the seriousness of the violation, by 30% to 50% when the injury is caused by machines or devices or at facilities, centres or workplaces where the regulation safety equipment is not available, not used or in poor condition, or when basic hygiene standards and occupational health and safety measures have not been observed, or have not been adapted to each person and job, taking into account each worker's characteristics, age, gender and other conditions. This charge will be fully payable by the offending employer.
The payment of economic benefits is not applicable for domestic employees in cases of
WI and
OD due to the lack of measures for occupational risk prevention.
Transitional maintenance of maternity supplement
Peole who, on 4-2-2021, were receiving the demographic contribution maternity supplement will continue to receive it.
The receipt of the maternity supplement will be incompatible with the new contributory pension supplement for the reduction of the gender gap, and the persons concerned may choose between one or the other.
If the other parent of one of the children who was entitled to the maternity supplement applies for the contributory pension supplement and is entitled to receive it, the monthly amount recognised shall be deducted from the maternity supplement, with financial effects from the first day of the month following that of the decision, provided that the decision is issued within six months of the application or, where applicable, of the recognition of the pension that gave rise to it; after this period, the effects shall take effect from the first day of the seventh month following that of the decision.
Supplement for the reduction of the gender gap
The contributory pension supplement for the reduction of the gender gap, replaces the maternity supplement for demographic contribution with a supplement aimed at reducing the gender gap, which seeks to repair the harm that women have suffered throughout their professional career for assuming a major role in the task of caring for children, which is projected in the area of pensions.