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Temporary Disability Medical Discharge and Sick Leave Certificates

Temporary Disability Affiliation and Termination Reports

This function makes it possible to send, to the National Institute of the Social Security and/or Mutual Societies for Work-Related Injuries and Occupational Diseases (WRI and OD) that process economic benefits for Temporary Disability due to Common Contingencies, WRI and OD, the medical discharge and sick leave certificates arising from both common and occupational contingencies, as well as the confirmation reports.

Sending medical documents through this System fulfils the compulsory procedure given in article 2 of Royal Decree 575/97, of 18th April, regulating certain aspects of the management and control of economic Social Security benefits for Temporary Disability.

Therefore, reports sent through the RED System, which are validated and accepted by the INSS, will save companies from having to present paper versions of documents to a CAISS or Provincial Directorate of the INSS, with the files sent via computer having the same legal effect as if they were submitted on paper.

The reports are sent in through WinSuite32 and using a procedure similar to that described for contributions, the files are sent to the TGSS over the internet. They are processed by the TGSS and the user receives notification regarding the processing of the sent files.

This service is available 24 hours a day.

Submission of maternity/paternity certificates (RECEMA)

This service can be used to send company certificates needed to grant maternity and/or paternity benefits under the General Scheme through the online RED System.

This service can be used to carry out the different procedures relating to these certificates (initial notification, amendment, removal and consultation), as well as to view, download and print the relevant reports.

  • First, the company's details (Scheme and Contribution Account Code) and the worker's details (NAF and Identifier) must be entered, stating the type of benefit: maternity and/or paternity.  .
  • Once the type of benefit has been stated, additional details will be entered: Start Date, end Date of the rest period and reason for same, contribution bases of the latest months for which the Social Security General Treasury does not have information as the regulatory payment period has not yet come to an end, as well as the contract type of the worker in question.

This service will complement both applications sent by companies through the TESOL system on behalf of workers, as well as those made directly by workers in Social Security Help and Information Centres in the National Social Security Institute.

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