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Special agreement procedure for individuals with a disability who have particular difficulties as regards labour market integration (R.D. 156/2013 of 1 March)

The general procedure is presented below.

Who can apply for it?

People with disabilities  aged over 18 and under 67 who do not receive a retirement pension or permanent disability benefit.


When must it be submitted?

During 2013 this special agreement may be applicable, at the request of the claimant, from the date the agreement is presented or from the date the Royal Decree comes into force.

As from 01/01/2014, the special agreement will be applicable from the date it is applied for, in all cases.


What formalities are involved?

Claimants shall submit the TA-0040 People with disabilities form and provide proof that they meet the requirements set forth in Royal Decree 156/2013, passed on 1 March.


Where is it processed?

In Person:

In the Provincial Department of the Social Security Treasury General or Administration corresponding to the address of the applicant.


Through the e-Office, if you have a digital certificate.





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