C/ Padre Damián, 4 and 6 - 28036 - MADRID.
Telephone: 91 568 83 00.
Fax: 91 564 04 84.
What is the National Social Security Institute?
It Management Body for Social Security, with independent legal status, dependent on the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration via the Secretary of State for Social Security and Pensions, entrusted with managing economic benefits of the Social Security system, except those managed by the IMSERSO or competent services of the Autonomous Regions. It is also responsible for recognising the right to medical assistance, regardless of whether the applicable legislation is national or international.
What are its powers?
To recognise and control the right to the contributory economic benefits of the Social Security System (notwithstanding the powers attributed to the SPEE regarding unemployment benefits, and to the ISM regarding the Special Regime for Seafarers):
Permanent disability.
Death and survival (widowhood, orphanhood, in favour of relatives and death grant).
Temporary disability.
Birth and child care.
Risk during pregnancy and risk during breastfeeding.
Caring for minors affected by cancer or another serious illness.
Economic compensation from permanent non-disabling injuries.
School insurance.
Granting and control of non-contributory family benefits (for dependent children or foster children; birth or adoption of children in large families, single-parent families and families with disabled mothers; and for multiple birth).
Recognition and control of status as an insured person and beneficiary, whether as a holder, relative or beneficiary, for the purpose of healthcare coverage.
Internationally, participation, to the extent and scope attributed by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, in negotiating and executing International Social Security Agreements, as well as membership of associations and international Organisms.
Management of the Special Mutual Insurance Fund for Social Security Civil Servants.
Management and operation of the Register of Public Social Services.
Management of economic and social benefits of toxic syndrome.
Routine management of its human resources, to the extent and scope determined by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.
Routine management of material resources assigned to its mission.
As many other duties as assigned by laws or regulations, or entrusted by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.