> Subject:
A cohabitation unit consists of all persons living in the same home, united by marriage or registered as domestic partners, and their family members up to the second degree by consanguinity, affinity or adoption, or other persons living in the home under foster care for the purpose of adoption or permanent foster care.
The benefit may be paid to persons who, without forming part of the cohabitation unit or forming part of an independent cohabitation unit, live in the same household with others with whom they have one of the aforementioned family ties. To this end, they must be in one of the following situations:
a) When a woman – a victim of gender violence – has left her habitual family home accompanied or not by her children or minors in foster care for the purpose of adoption or permanent family foster care
b) When, due to the commencement of separation, annulment or divorce proceedings, or the dissolution of the formally constituted domestic partner scheme, a person has left their habitual family home, whether or not accompanied by their children or minors in foster care for the purpose of adoption or permanent family foster care. In the case of domestic partners who have ceased living together, the person claiming the benefit must prove, where applicable, that the procedures for allocating custody and guardianship of the children have been initiated.
c) When it is accredited to have abandoned the home due to eviction, or because it has become uninhabitable due to accident or force majeure, as well as other cases that are established by regulation.
In the cases foreseen in paragraphs b) and c), an independent unit shall only be considered during the three years following the date on which the events indicated in each of them occurred.
When people who do not share the aforementioned family ties live together in the same household, those who are at risk of social exclusion – that must be accredited by social services – may be entitled to the minimum vital income.
The cohabitation units must have been continuously constituted for at least six months prior to making the application.
When they are members of a cohabitation unit, beneficiaries must be at least 23 years of age, or be an adult or an emancipated minor if they have children or minors under foster care for the purpose of adoption or permanent family foster care or double orphans when they are the only members of the cohabitation unit and none of them is 23 years of age.