Obligations regarding contracts
If during the validity of the hand-over contract, the replacement worker resigns before the replaced worker reaches the age which permits him/her to access ordinary or early retirement , the business owner:
Shall replace him/her with another unemployed worker or a worker who entered into a fixed-term contract with the company.
Shall enter into a new hand-over contract with this worker in the period of 15 calendar days following the day the worker resigned.
The working day agreed on in the new contract shall be, as a minimum, equal to the one worked by the worker at the time his/her contract was terminated.
If the partially retired worker was unduly dismissed before reaching the age which permits him/her to access ordinary or early retirement and he/she is not reinstated, the company:
Shall offer the replacement worker an increase of his/her working day. If the working day of the replacement is longer than the working day left vacant, the increase shall have the full-time working day established in the applicable collective agreement as a limit; or in the lack thereof; the maximum, legal ordinary working day.
If the working day increase is not accepted, the company shall hire another unemployed worker or a worker who entered into a fixed-term contract with the company. The new hiring must be done by using a hand-over contract in the period of 15 calendar days after the day in which the decision to not reinstate the worker was made after the declaration of undue dismissal.
The agreed on working day will be, as a minimum, equal to the one worked by the worker at the time his/her contract was terminated.
In the event of non-compliance with the obligations established in the above paragraphs, the business owner shall pay the corresponding management body the amount of the partial retirement benefit accrued from the termination of the contract to when the partial pensioner accesses ordinary or early retirement.