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Special Scheme for Seafarers

In Spain , the beneficiaries of the Special Regime for Seafarers receive medical assistance mainly from the Social Marine Institute (ISM) in the Autonomous Regions where this competence has not been transferred, which is coordinated and complemented by the National Health Management Institute (INGESA) or the Health Service of the Autonomous Regions and by subsidised care. In the Autonomous Regions where Social Marine Institute medical assistance is transferred, it is paid for by the Autonomous Regions.

Embarked workers, if they are anchored in Spanish territory, follow the above model. On the high seas they can seek medical advice from the Radio-Medical Centre, the ISM Overseas Centres, the Esperanza del Mar and Juan de la Cosamedical ships. These vessels also provide direct medical assistance to patients on ships in their area of operation.

Seafarers abroad receive medical assistance from ISM through its Care Centres in Dakar (Senegal), Nouadhibou (Mauritania), Seychelles and Walvis Bay (Namibia).

In those countries (outside the European Union and not subject to bilateral medical assistance agreements) without ISM's own means, the assistance is paid for by the employer, who will be reimbursed by ISM for the expenses incurred, provided that the amount exceeds 137.03 euros and up to a maximum limit established by the Ministry for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, in cases of common disease or non-work-related injury and occupational accident when the latter contingency is insured by the I.S.M.

In European Union countries, the employer may claim reimbursement of medical expenses in accordance with Regulations 1408/71 and 574/72.

More information on this Scheme:

Persons included in the field of application of this Scheme, affiliation, registration and termination and contributions

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