Complete your paperwork via the e-Office and the Electronic register. If you do not have an electronic means of authentication, you may also submit your applications relating to benefits, medical assistance, affiliation, contribution or collection and sea workers.
VIVENCIA 2024 CAMPAIGN COMPLETED: If you have not accredited your residence and you are a pensioner of the Spanish Social Security System, resident abroad, carry out this procedure without having to travel, from the VIVESSapplication: Further information.
MINIMUM SUBSISTENCE INCOME: Access to the simulator and application form. 900 20 22 22.
NEW SPECIAL AGREEMENT FOR INTERNSHIPSThe new regulation approved by Order ISM/812/2024 of 26 July. You can now consult the updated information on this special agreement.
Accesos directos a servicios
About Us
Get to know Social Security from within
Information for your company to manage Social Security registration, affiliation, cessation, contributions/collection, payments to creditors, etc.
Information about the economic and social benefits to which you or your family members may be entitled.
Information on affiliation, contributions and benefits whether you are a self-employed or employed worker.
Servicios destacados
- Access to e-Office services with Cl@ve
- The new contribution system for self-employed workers in 2023
- Internships
- 09/10/2024 Social Security assets. Transfer of use of a property in Baiona (Pontevedra).
- 04/10/2024 2023 Reports. INSS, ISM, SJASS and TGSS
- 04/10/2024 Social Security assets. Leasing of property
Sección actualidad con publicaciones del Ministerio
Current News
How to apply for the recovery of your contribution years for former training courses
The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration has modified the requirements by which citizens can recover up to five years of contributions from their professional practices.
President Pedro Sánchez signs the agreement with the social partners that completes pension reform
The Government and the representatives of the majority business and trade union organisations -CEOE, Cepyme, CCOO and UGT- have signed an important agreement on pensions and Social Security, within the framework of the recommendations of the Toledo Pact and which completes the reforms undertaken since 2021. This is the first major agreement of the term and the fourth since 2020.
Practical guide to using the new Social Security app: Import@ss
The Social Security General Treasury has presented a new mobile application that allows you to carry out procedures, check documents and obtain various reports or modify personal information held by the Social Security.
Servicios de mayor interés destacados
One click
- Minimum Vital Income
- Prior appointment for benefits and other procedures
- Access RED ON-LINE System
- Payment of debts by credit card
- VIVESS. Accreditation of experience
- Purchase and Sale of Property
- Comprehensive certificate of benefits
- Auctions of Seized Goods
- Support vessels(ISM)
- Violence against women
Secciones destacadas
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