Complete your paperwork via the e-Office and the Electronic register. If you do not have an electronic means of authentication, you may also submit your applications relating to benefits, medical assistance, affiliation, contribution or collection and sea workers.
VIVENCIA 2024 CAMPAIGN COMPLETED: If you have not accredited your residence and you are a pensioner of the Spanish Social Security System, resident abroad, carry out this procedure without having to travel, from the VIVESSapplication: Further information.
MINIMUM SUBSISTENCE INCOME: Access to the simulator and application form. 900 20 22 22.
NEW SPECIAL AGREEMENT FOR INTERNSHIPSThe new regulation approved by Order ISM/812/2024 of 26 July. You can now consult the updated information on this special agreement.
Accesos directos a servicios
About Us
Get to know Social Security from within
Information for your company to manage Social Security registration, affiliation, cessation, contributions/collection, payments to creditors, etc.
Information about the economic and social benefits to which you or your family members may be entitled.
Information on affiliation, contributions and benefits whether you are a self-employed or employed worker.
Servicios destacados
- Access to e-Office services with Cl@ve
- The new contribution system for self-employed workers in 2023
- Internships
- 08/08/2024 Interns now have their space on IMPORTASS, the Social Security Treasury Portal
- 27/06/2024 Civil Service Examinations for the Senior Corps of Actuaries, Statisticians and Economists of the Social Security. Informative session (02/07/2024 16:30h)
- 21/06/2024 New economic activity report for self-employed workers in IMPORTASS
Sección actualidad con publicaciones del Ministerio
Current News
The Social Security adds 325,554 affiliates so far this year, after 51 months of uninterrupted employment growth
The Social Security registered 21,168,490 affiliates in July, discounting seasonality and the calendar effect, which represents an increase of 485,580 compared with the same month in 2023.
Actual hours worked increases in the first quarter of 2024 by 9.9% from pre-pandemic levels
This increase is mainly due to the combination of the increase in the number of contributors to the General Social Security Scheme in this period (9.3%, or more than 1.38 million people), and the fact that the effective hours per contributor are 0.6% higher than pre-pandemic levels.
Quick Guide to the European Health Card
Find out what it is, what it covers and how you can apply if you are planning to travel this summer to an EU destination, as well as to the UK, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland or Switzerland.
Servicios de mayor interés destacados
One click
- Minimum Vital Income
- Prior appointment for benefits and other procedures
- Access RED ON-LINE System
- Payment of debts by credit card
- VIVESS. Accreditation of experience
- Purchase and Sale of Property
- Comprehensive certificate of benefits
- Auctions of Seized Goods
- Support vessels(ISM)
- Violence against women
Secciones destacadas
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