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Solicitudes de devolución del IRPF 2019-2023 por pensionistas de jubilación e incapacidad permanente que cotizaron a mutualidades

On 20 March , a form will be available at the Tax Agency's Electronic Headquarters to request the IRPF refunds corresponding to the period 2019- 2023 for retirement and permanent disability pensioners who contributed to mutual benefit societies.

It will not be necessary to attach any documentation to the application. The Social Security has already sent the AEAT the necessary information, including the employment history of the applicants.

Pensioners do not need to apply to the Social Security General Treasury or the National Social Security Institute for any kind of certificate or report, nor do they need to submit their employment history.
In the event that a particular application cannot be resolved with the information available, the Tax Agency will subsequently ask the interested parties to provide the necessary documentation.

For further information on this process, please consult the Tax Agency's Electronic Headquarters.

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