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Schedule of Training Activities

The delivery dates of the courses included in this Training Plan will be adapted to suit seafarers' needs and availability.
People interested in applying for one of these courses can go to the provincial or local directorate of the Social Marine Institute closest to their place of residence where they will be informed of the dates of the various editions of each type of course.

Criteria for selecting course attendees

The selection of course attendees will be made in accordance with the terms established in Article 12 of Royal Decree 292/2018 of 18 May, following the procedure of its Article 13.

Requirements to access the training offered by the Social Marine Institute

In addition to meeting the condition of beneficiary on application submission date, the requirements demanded by the Social Marine Institute to access the type of course applied for must also be accredited on that date.

Beneficiaries of the Training

Maritime and healthcare vocational training is open to:

  • Spanish workers or nationals of a member state of the European Union or of the European Economic Area who reside in Spain and foreigners with a valid work and residence permit, who are affiliated and in a situation of registration or similar to registration, including intermittent-permanent workers, in the Social Security Special Scheme for Seafarers at the time the application is submitted.
  • Applicants for an ISM course, not included in the previous section, who at the time of submitting the application are applicants for an occupation in the maritime fishing sector.
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