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Complementing the reduction of the gender gap

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The contributory pension supplement for the reduction of the gender gap,   replaces the maternity supplement for demographic contribution with a supplement aimed at reducing the gender gap, which seeks to repair the harm that women have suffered throughout their career for assuming a major role in the task of caring for children, which is projected in the area of pensions.


Women and men who are in receipt of a contributory retirement pension (except for partial retirement), permanent disability pension or widow's/widower's pension as of 4 February 2021 and who have had one or more children.
When accessing full retirement from partial retirement, the supplement shall be recognised, if the requirements are met.


For men to be entitled to the supplement, they must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Causing a widow's or widower's pension on the death of the other parent for the children in common, provided that one of them is entitled to receive an orphan's pension.

  • They must be in receipt of a contributory retirement or permanent disability pension and have interrupted or had their career interrupted or affected by childbirth or adoption, under the following conditions:

    1. In the case of children born or adopted up to 31 December 1994, to have more than 120 days without contributions between the nine months prior to the birth and the three years following that date or, in the case of adoption, between the date of the judicial decision establishing it and the following three years, provided that the sum of the amounts of the pensions recognised is less than the sum of the pensions corresponding to the woman.

    2. In the case of children born or adopted from 1 January 1995, the sum of the contribution bases for the twenty-four months following the birth or the date of the judicial decision establishing the adoption is more than 15% lower than that of the twenty-four months immediately preceding, provided that the sum of the amounts of the pensions recognised is less than the sum of the pensions corresponding to the woman.

Economic effects

From  the date on which the contributory Social Security pension that determines entitlement to the supplement takes effect.
The recognition of the supplement for the second parent, which will entail the extinction of the supplement recognised for the first parent, will take effect on the first day of the month following that of the decision, if it is issued within the six months following the application or, where applicable, the recognition of the pension that gives rise to it; after this period, the effects will be from the first day of the seventh month.


The supplement is paid monthly with two extra pays paid in the months of June and November.


Receipt of the supplement is incompatible with receipt of this supplement by the other parent for the same children.
If there are two female parents, the one who receives the smaller of the two public pensions shall be recognised.
In the event that the parents are a woman and a man who meet the above-mentioned requirements, the man may receive it if the sum of the amounts of his recognised pensions is less than the sum of the pensions corresponding to the woman.
If both parents are men, the parent who receives the smaller of the two public pensions shall be recognised.

International files

In cases where the pension which determines entitlement to the supplement is caused, in application of international regulations, by aggregation of periods completed in other countries, the supplement shall be paid in the proportional part according to the pro rata applied to the pension to which it is attached.


The supplement is terminated for the same reasons as the pension it accompanies (death, etc.), or if the other parent applies for it and meets the requirements.


Application for Jubilación, Permanent Disability, or Widow/Widower's pensions.


The documentation to be presented to process the pension is detailed on the application form.
Application for Permanent Incapacity and for Widow/Widower.

Where it is processed

From TUSS with digital certificate, electronic ID or permanent password.

If you do not have it, you can apply for it exceptionally by clicking on the following link:
At the Social Security assistance and information centres, with an appointment. 901166565/ 915421176, or from the following link.

For sea workers at the offices of the Social Marine Institute.

Competent body

Management and recognition of the right to the supplement is the responsibility of the National Social Security Institute, except for workers under the field of application of the Special Sea Workers Scheme, in which case it is the responsibility of the Social Marine Institute.

Transitional maintenance of maternity supplement

People who, on 4-2-2021, were receiving the demographic contribution maternity supplement will continue to receive it.

The receipt of the maternity supplement will be incompatible with the supplement for the reduction of the gender gap that may correspond to the recognition of a new public pension, and the persons concerned may choose between one or the other.

If the other parent of one of the children who was entitled to the maternity supplement applies for the contributory pension supplement and is entitled to receive it, the monthly amount recognised shall be deducted from the maternity supplement, with financial effects from the first day of the month following that of the decision, provided that the decision is issued within six months of the application or, where applicable, of the recognition of the pension that gave rise to it; after this period, the effects shall take effect from the first day of the seventh month following that of the decision.

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