The standard age required to gain access to the retirement pension, will be reduced by a period equivalent to the period resulting from applying the following coefficients to the time actually worked, provided that during the working periods the following degrees of disability are proven:
Minimum age:
Effective 01/01/08, the application of the corresponding reduction coefficients for age will not enable the interested party to access the retirement pension before 52 years of age.
This limitation will not affect workers in the Special Schemes (Coal Miners and Seafarers) who, on 01/01/08, have recognised reduction coefficients for retirement age, to whom the previous regulations are applicable.
Calculating the amount of time actually worked:
All absences from work will be discounted, except the following:
Effective 1/1/08, the reduction coefficients will not be taken into account:
For the purposes of accrediting the age required to access partial retirement (except when because of the rules of transitory law, the legislation in effect prior to 1/1/08 is applied), to early retirement when insured by a Mutual Society and any other form of early retirement.
Nor in order to generate the additional percentage established for those who retire after the standard retirement age in force at any time.