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Management / Payment

  • Management is carried out by:
    • The National Social Security Institute (INSS) in general.
    • The Social Marine Institute (ISM), in cases where workers are included under the Special Scheme for Sea Workers.
  • Payment is made by:
    • The National Social Security Institute (INSS) or, when appropriate, the Social Marine Institute (ISM), when the permanent disability is the result of common sickness or non-occupational injury.

    • The National Social Security Institute (INSS), or the Social Security Mutual Society Partner, when permanent disability is caused by an occupational disease.

    • The National Social Security Institute or the Social Security Mutual Society Partner, when permanent disability is caused by a work-related injury. In the case of lifetime pensions, it is the INSS following the calculation of the current value of the capital cost of the pension by the Mutual.

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