Reimbursement of expenses for programmed medical treatment
Even if the "Right to Scheduled Treatment" S2 form is provided, the legislation of the country where the programmed medical assistance was received sometimes stipulates the payment of a fixed amount or a percentage of the costs (co-payment) for medical fees, hospitalisation or treatment that the patient must pay there directly, on an equal footing with insured persons in that State.
However, you can apply for reimbursement of medical expenses on your arrival in Spain, in case you need to do so, through the INSS by downloading the Application for Reimbursement of Expenses for Medical Assistance- Programmed Treatment, which contains the necessary information on the documentation you need to provide.
To apply in person, you can make an appointment at the Social Security Electronic Office: and clicking on Prior appointment for benefits and other procedures:. Alternatively, you can call the 24-hour-a-day automated prior appointment service, on 901 10 65 70. To facilitate making an appointment, you must be able to provide your foreign resident identification number (NIE) and your postcode immediately you make the call.
Alternatively, you can obtain and submit the application online at : Application for reimbursement of expenses for programmed medical treatment abroad.
If you have any other questions, you can send them to us through the queries mailboxby selecting the topic "International Health Care.
If you need to make an enquiry to the National Contact Point of the Ministry of Health, please use this form.