It is an administrative action, carried out upon request, authorising payment of a debt for Social Security after the regulatory payment period has elapsed, with accrual of interest, and which allows the debtor to be considered, as long as he or she fulfils the required conditions, as being up to date in the payment of the deferred amounts owed.
- Deferrable debts:
- Any Social Security debt that falls within the scope of Social Security collection management, regarding payments, appeals of any kind against payments or payment surcharges.
- Surcharges on economic benefits due to work-related injury and occupational illness caused by lack of health and safety measures in the workplace, may only be deferred when fully covered by a guarantee.
- Non-deferrable debts:
- Payments for work-related injury and occupational illness.
- Contributions from workers employed by another person, or similar.
Deposit of non-deferrable payments must be made, if not done previously, within the period of one month as from the date of the notification of the resolution granting deferral.