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Practice sessions

What are the practice sessions for?

The TGSS  offers users of the RED  System an environment or database of practice sessions where they can become familiar with the use of the programs and the system utilities for both affiliation and contributions. It is not possible to practise sending medical discharge and sick leave certificates for temporary disability.

The TGSS processes practice information as if it were real. The difference is that these practice operations do not have any validity with the TGSS or third parties.

What is the AWR?

It is the Affiliated Workers Report.. It links the workers registered to a particular CAC  to a particular date. Knowing this information will help when modifying and/or adapting your data or asking the TGSS to make corrections.

What is the aim of the AWR?

It has two different purposes according to whether this is a practice session or a real one:

  • During practice sessions, the user can ask for the AWR of each of the three CAC's selected for practice. The TGSS will then send a list of the workers belonging to those CAC's with which he or she can practise. The list will not include all the workers who are registered to those CAC's in reality, just those that can be used for practice.

  • When the user is working on real files, the purpose of the AWR is for the authorised user to be able to check and compare the data in the General Affiliation File of the TGSS with the data that he has for the Contribution Account Codes and workers he works with and to be able to update his data base.

How is the AWR sent?

When a Contribution Account Code is linked to a RED System authorisation,the Affiliated Workers Report is generated automatically. It contains the basic information on the code and the workers listed under it when it is issued.

What is the maximum time allowed for practice sessions?

The user can practice with the system for a maximum of two months from receipt of the authorisation.

This does not contradict the various Regulations about the obligation to join the RED System issued by the General Directorate of the TGSS

What must the user do to go from practising to real sessions?

For contributions, it is only necessary to send in the real payroll report for workers in and to state that the message sent is real. For affiliation, the user must send in a request to the Provincial User Support Unit to move from "practice" sessions to "real" sessions, when he (or she) feels he is ready and has had enough training to carry out real operations on the General Affiliation File.

Even after the user has decided to move to real operations, it is possible to continue having practice sessions at any time, simply by choosing the appropriate option.

How is it possible to prove that one is working with the real system after requesting the change over?

The quickest way is to try to enter on-line affiliation through the option "real". If the System allows the user to enter, this means that he or she is working in the real system. If it does not permit him to enter, he should contact the provincial USU.

Must a user ask for any authorisation to be able to send files in over the Internet?

Users are already authorised to send test files over the Internet (but only for Contributions and Affiliation). It is not necessary to ask for authorisation since by default all the current users of the RED System can practise with these two kinds of transaction.
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