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Automatic inclusion in the Electronic Payment method.

The RED System will automatically calculate, without the user having to request it, the Electronic Payment method for all payments that meet the requirements for being made using this method, unless the user has asked to pay by direct debit or they are in credit.

Given that for the Contribution Account Codes in the special group for Public Administration, the automatic calculation of electronic payment is not applicable, the user must request to pay contributions by electronic payment by entering the character “V” which identifies this method of payment in the MPG segment (Method of Payment) of the FAN file.

In the event that the MPG segment includes the character "V" and the customer account code fields have been filled in, the type of identifier for the account holder (compulsory information in the direct debit method of payment, but should not be filled in for the electronic method of payment), it will be understood that the user wants to pay by electronic payment and it will notify the user that this payment method has been accepted.

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