Special agreement for Spanish emigrants and their children who have returned to Spain.
General Information
Purpose: |
The purpose of this Special Agreement is to cover the contribution bases corresponding to the contingencies of retirement, permanent disability, and death and survival. |
Beneficiaries: |
Spanish emigrants and their children who have Spanish nationality, whatever the country where they work, at the time when they return to Spanish territory, provided that they are not obligatorily included within any public social protection scheme in Spain. |
Form: |
Form TA-0040 |
Documentation: |
Original and copy of the identification document:
Where to process it: |
At the Provincial or Administrative Offices of the Social Security Treasury General corresponding to the domicile of the applicant. If you have a digital certificate you can access the e-Office and submit the application form and required documentation online through the Special Agreement Registration process in the Social Security e-Office. |
Deadlines: |
Effective: |
It takes effect from the first day of the month following the date on which the application is presented. |
Requirements: |
Termination: |
Reasons for expiry:
Other important information: |