Below are details of the general procedure
Who can apply for it?
Workers affected by labour force adjustment plans 76/2000 of 08/03/2001 and 25/2001 of 31/07/2001.
When does it have to be submitted?
- Before 05-10-2009 if the worker is aged 50 on 05-07-2009.
- 90 days after the 50th birthday if the worker is aged 52 or more and unemployed.
- 90 days after the date on which R.D. 1783/2011 of 16 December took effect.
- At any time.
The filing periods shall influence the moment when the agreement becomes effective.
What is the application procedure?
They should submit and accredit form TA-0040. They should be affected by the |EREmentioned above, be registered as employed workers in the Social Security system, and be aged 50 or over.
Where is it processed?
In Person:
It is processed centrally at the Provincial Directorate of Madrid.
Through the e-Office, if you have a digital certificate.