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Termination of benefits

  • Due to remarrying or forming a common law marriage. Nevertheless, the widowhood pension can still be received, even if the pensioner remarries or forms a common law marriage, as long as the following requirements are proven:
    • Being over 61 years of age or under and having been granted a pension for permanent absolute disability or severe disability or certified with a degree of disability greater than 65%.
    • The widow's/widower's pension must constitute the main or only source of income for the pensioner. It is understood that it constitutes the main source of income when it is at least 75% of the total annual calculated income.
    • When the married or common law couple has an annual income, of any form, including the widowhood pension, which is no greater than two times the amount, in annual calculation, of the NMW in force at any given time.
  • By being judged in a final sentence of being guilty of the death of the originator.
  • Due to death.
  • After establishing that the missing worker did not die in an accident.
  • By being sentenced in a final judgement of having committed the crime of murder in any of its forms or of causing injuries, when the victim was the originator, unless, as the case may be, they become reconciled.
    In these cases, the widowhood pension that would have been granted will increase the orphan's pensions, if there are any.
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