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Early Retirement Based on Occupational Group or Activity

The normal retirement age may be lowered or brought forward for occupational groups or activities whose jobs are exceptionally arduous, dangerous, toxic or unhealthy and involve high mortality or morbidity rates, if the workers affected accredit in the respective profesion or work the minimum activity established, are on active contributor status or in an assimilated contributor situation and meet the other general requirements :

The application of the reduction coefficients will not entitle the interested party to access the retirement pension at an age below 52 years. This limitation will not affect workers in the Special Regimes (Coal Miners and Sea Workers) who, on 01-01-08, have recognised reduction coefficients for retirement age, to whom the previous regulations are applicable.

Since 01-01-08, the reduction coefficients will not  be taken into account  for the purpose of accrediting the age demanded to be entitled to partial retirement,  early retirement when insured by a mutual society and any other form of early retirement, or for the additional percentage for those retiring after the standard retirement age.

The law governing the general procedure for establishing retirement age must be followed. This foresees carrying out preliminary studies on accidents in the sector, arduous, toxic, dangerous or harmful working conditions, their impact on disability generated in workers and physical requirements demanded for carrying out the activity.


Workers Included in the Mining Statute

  • Retirement pension may be recognised at an age below the ordinary age required at any time for workers employed by another person included in the scope of the Mining Statute (not included in the Special Regime for Coal Mining), by applying the retirement age reduction coefficients when there are circumstances of difficulty, toxicity, hazardousness or poor health under the terms and conditions set forth in the scale approved for this purpose.
  • The minimum age required will be reduced by an equivalent period to that resulting from applying the relevant coefficient, according to the scale set forth in the appendix to RD  2366/1984, of 26 December, to the period actually worked in each of the categories or specialist areas established, deducting all leave except sick leave and authorised absence with entitlement to remuneration.
  • The period of time by which retirement age is reduced is considered as contributed only to determine the percentage applicable to the base pension.
  • Both the reduction in age and the calculation of this period   as a percentage will be applicable, even though entitlement to the pension comes from another Regime other than the General Regime.
  • When retirement affects workers who are simultaneously performing other activity/ies that lead to their inclusion in another Social Security Regime: cases of pluri-activity, the reduction will only apply for the purpose of age.

Flight Personnel

  • Retirement pension may be recognised with an age below the ordinary age required at any time for technical flight crew included in the Labour Ordinance for airline company personnel by applying the retirement age reduction coefficients.
  • The minimum age required will be reduced by an equivalent period to that resulting from applying the period actually worked in each category, deducting all leave except sick leave and authorised absence with entitlement to remuneration, to the relevant coefficient, in accordance with the scale set forth in RD  1559/1986, of 28 June:
    • 0.40 in the categories of pilot and co-pilot.
    • 0.30 in the category of aircraft mechanic, aerial photography operator navigator, technological means operator, aerial photographer and aerial camera operator.
  • The period of time by which retirement age is reduced is considered as contributed only to determine the percentage applicable to the base pension.
  • Both the reduction in age and the calculation of this period as a percentage will be applicable, even though entitlement to the pension comes from another Regime other than the General Regime.
  • When retirement affects workers who are simultaneously performing other activity/ies that lead to their inclusion in another Social Security Regime: cases of pluri-activity, the reduction will only apply for the purpose of age.

Railway Workers

  • The minimum age required at any time will be reduced for railway workers who belong or have belonged to groups or professional activities that are especially hazardous or arduous, by a time equal to the number of years resulting from applying the relevant coefficient (0.15 or 0.10), according to the scale set forth in |art.  3 of RD  2621/1986, of 24 December, to the time "actually worked" in such groups and activities. Leave from work will be deducted except when they are due to sick or authorised leave with a right to pay according to applicable regulations.
  • The period of time actually worked that counts for this purpose must be set as a full number (no fractions) of years, for which, if there are fractions of years in the calculation of this period, those over six months will count as a full year and those under will not count at all.
  • Likewise, the different fractions of years with different coefficients for hazardous activities will count, if their total exceeds six months, for one year in the activity in which the longest fraction of time is accredited.
  • The period between the reduced retirement age and the minimum general age will serve to determine the reduction coefficient, if any, applicable and will be considered as contributed for the sole purpose of increasing the applicable pension increase percentage.
  • Both the reduction in age and the calculation of this period as a percentage will be applicable, even though entitlement to the pension comes from another Regime other than the General Regime.
  • When retirement affects workers who are simultaneously performing other activity/ies that lead to their inclusion in another Social Security Regime: cases of pluri-activity, the reduction will only apply for the purpose of age.


  • Singers, dancers and trapeze artists may apply for the retirement pension at the age of 60, without applying reduction coefficients, when they have worked in the occupation for at least 8 years during the 21 years prior to retirement.
  • Other artists may retire at the age of 60, with an 8% reduction, to the percentage of the pension, for each year remaining to the retirement age in force at any time.
  • In these two cases, it is mandatory to be affiliated or assimilated to inscription on the date of the causal event in order to apply for a pension.

Bullfighting Professionals

  • 55 years old for matadors, mounted bullfighters, apprentice bullfighters, banderilleros, picadors and comedic bullfighters, provided that they are certified as being affiliated or assimilated to inscription on the date of the causal event and that they have performed in a certain number of bullfights:
    • 150 fights for matadors, mounted bullfighters and apprentice bullfighters in any of these categories.
    • 200 fights for banderilleros, picadors and comedic bullfighters in any of these categories or in any of the categories indicated in the paragraph above.
  • 60 years old for puntilleros, provided that they are certified as being affiliated or assimilated to inscription on the date of the causal event and that they have participated in 250 fights in any professional category.
  • 65 years old, or the standard age in force at any time, for bullfighting assistants and their aides.

    However, they may retire at the age of 60 with the application of an 8% reduction coefficient for each early year, provided that they are certified as being affiliated or assimilated to inscription on the date of the causal event and that they have performed in 250 fights in any professional category.

Firemen in the service of the civil service and public organisations

According to Royal Decree 383/2008, of 14 March, a retirement pension may be granted to workers under the retirement age in effect at any time who work for another person or to public employees who are included in the General Social Security Scheme and serve as firefighters, in the different ranks, categories or specialities, for local councils, autonomous communities, the Ministry of Defence, the Spanish Airports and Navigation Organisation (AENA) or for consortia or groups that could have been set up by the civil service departments listed.

The standard requirement age in effect at any time to access the retirement pension will be reduced by a period equivalent to the result of applying a reduction coefficient of 0.20 to the time actually worked as a firefighter.

Under no circumstances will this reduction in the retirement age grant the interested party the right to claim a retirement pension when under the age of 60, or 59 if he/she can accredit 35 or more years of effective contributions, without including the proportional part for the extra payments, while working as a firefighter. 

To calculate the actual time worked, all days taken off will be discounted, except for the following:

  • Days taken as sick leave for a common or occupational illness or an injury, whether work-related or not.
  • Days that correspond to suspension of the employment contract on the grounds of maternity, paternity, adoption, fostering, risk during pregnancy or risk during breastfeeding.
  • Days authorised in the corresponding labour resolutions for which the worker is entitled to remuneration.

The period of time by which the retirement age is reduced is considered to be contributory only for the purpose of determining the percentage applicable to the base pension.

Both the age reduction and the calculation of this time are applicable in order to establish this percentage, even if the right to claim a pension is generated under a different Scheme from the General Scheme.

Members of the Basque Police Force

  • The standard age required at all times to access the retirement pension will be reduced by a period equal to that resulting from applying the reduction coefficient of 0.20 to the number of years worked as members of the Basque police force (Ertzaintza) or as members of groups included therein.

Under no circumstances will the reduction in the retirement age described in the previous paragraph grant the interested party the right to claim a retirement pension when under the age of 60, or 59 if they can prove 35 or more years of effective work and contributions as part of the Basque Police Force or as members of groups included therein, not counting the proportional amount of the extra payments made while carrying out the activity described in the previous paragraph.

  • The period of time by which the worker's retirement age is reduced, according to the foregoing paragraph, will be counted as an effective contribution period for the sole purpose of determining the percentage to be applied to the corresponding base pension to calculate the retirement pension amount.

Both the age reduction and the calculation, for the purposes of contributions, of the time by which it is reduced, as described in the foregoing paragraph, shall be applicable to members of the Basque Police Force who have remained affiliated up to the date of the retirement pension causal event.

Likewise, entitlement to these benefits shall be maintained by those workers who, having reached the retirement eligibility age, as applicable, are eligible under the provisions of the first two paragraphs, and stop working as a member of the Basque Police Force but remain affiliated as they carry out a different job, irrespective of the Social Security scheme in which they consequently fall.

  • An additional contribution rate shall be applied to the contribution base for common contingencies, for both the employer and the worker. 
  • The system set out under the additional provision 20 of the LGSS shall be applicable after the Mixed Quota Commission signs a financing agreement on behalf of the State for the annual amount corresponding to the additional contributions implemented as a result of the loss of contributions due to bringing forward the retirement age and the increase in benefits over the years in which retirement is brought forward. The amount in question shall be equivalent to that paid by the State Administration in the event of early retirement of members of the Spanish National Security Forces and Corps in the Passive Classes Scheme.

Local Police

BONUS FOR WORK AS LOCAL POLICE OFFICER (Royal Decree 1449/2018, of 14 December)  

  • As of 2 January 2019, retirement pensions may be recognised at an age lower than the ordinary age required at any given time for career civil servants included in the General Social Security Scheme, members of the local police force in the service of local authorities, in their different scales, categories or specialities.
  • The ordinary retirement age shall be reduced by a period equivalent to that resulting from applying the reduction coefficient of 0.20 to the full years actually worked as members of the local police in the service of local authorities, in their different scales, categories or specialities.
  • The application of the reduction of the indicated retirement age shall not, under any circumstances, give the person concerned the opportunity to access the retirement pension at an age 5 years younger than their ordinary retirement age, or 6 years younger in cases in which 37 years of effective activity and contribution are accredited , without counting the proportional part corresponding to extraordinary payments, for the exercise of the activity as members of the local police force.
  • The 37 years of effective contribution as a local police officer, in order to be able to bring forward the retirement age by 6 years with respect to the corresponding ordinary age, shall be required progressively, in accordance with the following provisions:




35 years and 6 months of effective contribution as a local police officer.

2020, 2021, 2022

36 years of effective contribution as a local police officer

2023, 2024, 2025, 2026

36 years and six months of effective contribution as a local police officer.


37 years of effective contribution as a local police officer

  • The early retirement age due to the application of the reduction coefficients will be conditional both on the need to have covered the 15-year exclusion period required to access this benefit and the 15 years of contributions as a local police officer required to be able to apply the coefficient.

For the purposes of the application of the reduction coefficient, the time of effective activity and contribution destined to posts belonging to the local police corps in the service of the respective local entity shall be considered as time actually worked.

All absences from work will be discounted, except the following:

    1. Days taken as temporary disability for an occupational or common disease or an injury, whether work-related or not.

    2. Those that have as a reason the suspension of the provision of services due to maternity, paternity, adoption, foster care, risk during pregnancy or risk during breastfeeding.

    3. Paid leave and licenses, enjoyed by virtue of the corresponding regulatory or conventional provisions
  • Both the age reduction and the calculation, for the purposes of contributions, of the time by which it is reduced, shall be applicable to members of the local Police who have remained affiliated up to the date of the retirement pension causal event.
  • The period of time by which the worker retirement age is reduced, will be counted as an effective contribution period for the sole purpose of determining the percentage to be applied to the corresponding base rate to calculate the amount of the retirement pension.
  • Entitlement to these benefits shall be maintained by those workers who, having reached the retirement eligibility age, as applicable, are eligible under the application of the assigned reduction coefficient, and stop working as a member of the local Police but remain affiliated as they carry out a different job, irrespective of the Social Security scheme in which they consequently fall.
  • In relation to this group, an additional contribution will be applied on the contribution basis for common contingencies, both for the company and for the worker. The additional provision 164 of the law 6/2018 of PGE 2018 has established an additional contribution rate of 10.6% for all active police officers. Of this payment, the municipalities will have to finance 8.84% and the civil servants themselves the remaining 1.76%.

Members of the Mossos d'Escuadra Corps

  • The ordinary age required at any given time for access to the retirement pension shall be reduced by a period equivalent to that resulting from applying the reduction coefficient of 0.20 to the full years actually worked as a member of the Mossos d'Esquadra Corps.

The application of this reduction will in no case give the interested party access to a retirement pension at an age of less than 60 years, or at 59 years when they can accredit 35 or more years of effective activity and contributions in the Mossos d'Esquadra Corps, without calculating the proportional part for extraordinary payments.

  • The period of time by which the retirement age is reduced, will be counted as an effective contribution period for the sole purpose of determining the percentage to be applied to the corresponding base rate to calculate the amount of the retirement pension.

Both the age reduction and the calculation as contribution of the time in which it is reduced, referred to in the previous paragraph, will apply to the members of the Mossos d'Esquadra Corps who have remained on discharge for said activity until the date on which the retirement pension causal event occurs.

Likewise, entitlement to those benefits shall be maintained by those who, having reached the retirement age that, in each case, results from the application of what is established in the first two paragraphs, cease their activity as members of said body, but remain registered due to the performance of a different work activity, regardless of the Social Security scheme in which they are included due to this.

  • In relation to this group, an additional contribution will be applied on the contribution basis for common contingencies, both for the company and for the worker.
  • This system, established in the twentieth additional Provision of the LGSS, is applicable as of 1 January 2022 and, in subsequent years, in the framework of the Generalitat de Catalunya-State Bilateral Commission, the contribution rates will be adjusted and the calculation of the nominal transfer with which the State Administration will finance the cost of early retirement for the Generalitat de Catalunya's Police Force-Mossos d'Esquadra will be updated.
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